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oil leak at filler cap & question about oil breather *urgent

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First problem..


I put my powder coated rocker cover on. It now leaks oil from the cap but only under load. Idling is ok.. Any ideas? The odd thing is, I used two filler caps. One was the old one and never leaked before and the other I can't vouch for as it came with the cover.


Second problem...

The above, I'm worried about because i'm thinking it might be too much crank case pressure.. I've taken the take off from the oil pressure switch and ran that to a catch tank but I keep seeing post about another breather pipe but I can't see where it would come from. Can someone with a KR just show/tell me where to look for the breather so I can make sure it's not blocked and then run it to the catch tank.



Cheers muchacho's

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crankcase breather

from front of block next to oil filter housing (you'll see a metal breather unit on the KR) hose goes from front of that up to intake section just after air filter. There's not much to get blocked though, I don't think either the breather unit or the hose have any metal gauze in them or anything.

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Ok. Tried a new oil filler from GSF. Was a little better but took the car for a spin and as soon as it was put under load. Yup oil everywhere.


Crank case pressure must be very high which makes me think that the oil breather system I've got either isn't working or like I first though there are two breathers or something...


Just to recap, I've run the oil pressure switch breather to a catch tank. Blocked off the larger tube and ran a tee off the smaller one to the tank. I'm starting to think that it's that and that it's too restrictive??????


Could really use some help here.


If there's another breather that you know about, please say.



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Its a weird one, did you get the hole for the oil cap power coated too? Just wondering if the cap cant make a proper seal

against it?


Also I had an issue with mine throwing oil everywhere when cold because the oil pump release valve was jammed, however

on mine that caused the oil pressure to jump up to 10bar+ enough to spit the oil filter seal out :-(

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Sorted it. The breather pipe I'd attached was too small a bore for it to handle the pressure so backed up to the crank case, hence the oil out of the cap. Totally vented the breather (very temp) and it's perfect.


All problems bar a slightly iffy HT lead are solved.


Thanks for your help though.

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