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fed up

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spent near enough all day working on the car putting the exhaust back on. im underneath when i hear bang! sum f.u.c.k.ing prick has driven into the car and smashed the light to bits.he stops then when he sees me get out from under the car he speeds off.im so angry right now i wanna take my anger out on something.really considering breaking the car also as it seems every time i try to do something constructive on it some muggy prick comes along and ruins it


rant over


you may see my car up in classifieds a bit later i just need time to think

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Hope you got his Number plate fella! Theres too many shites like that in this country prob got no insurance, no tax etc! Dont be too hasty in getting the C sold though!

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oh dear sorry to hear that fella did you get his registration no? an id let yourself calm down a bit before making any hasty decisions on selling

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didnt get the plate. proper legged it down the road after him aswell but he just kept going. just found it was an illegal cab aswell.ive stopped working on it now as im just getting more and more angry looking at it. really dont wana sell but its been off the road for nearly 5 months so i could put all the turbo bits on.im so close to getting it done to have some arse to come and ruin my car. wouldnt hae minded so much if it was my standard lights but it was my spanking fk ones :(

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Yeah, think it through buddy. It's not the car it's the jerk that drove into it. I have to say my blood would be boiling over right now as well. I came back from town once to find my Golf that I'd only had for 2 weeks had been reversed into and then the week after that someone took the mirror off. Neither one left a note of course. There just aren't words for the venom that kind of thing wells up inside me. People who can't take responsibility for their actions shouldn't be allowed to make any.

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yea i need to calm down but do you know what makes me angry was that i was under the car at the time he did it. if he hit it any harder the car could have fallen on me!


so at the moment if i see anyone driving a silver honda accord down my road im gunna give them the shittiest look ever

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yea i need to calm down but do you know what makes me angry was that i was under the car at the time he did it. if he hit it any harder the car could have fallen on me!


so at the moment if i see anyone driving a silver honda accord down my road im gunna give them the **** look ever


And then take down their reg. And then report them to the police for trying to kill you. Always start by trying to get them done for attempted murder. It's like selling a car. Your price can go down but it can't go up.

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bummer you didnt get his reg an you might be pissed off now but imagine how smug you will be when you have got the car finished surely it will be worth it?


an which style of fk do you have as i have some red/smoked sat in me cellar from when my boss reversed into my rado cant remember which corner lense he smashed though but the other 3 lenses are fine you can have them cheap if there the right ones for ya?

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I know - what an idiot.


He coulda killed you. He'll have damaged his motor - so you should be able to identify it. Last week I was getting the shopping from Morrisons in my missus Ka - and these two neds in a grotty Corsa came ripping round a corner doing about 60mph on the wrong side of the road and missed the front of the Ka by an inch!


I phoned the police when I got home but was totally raging - if I was in the Corrado - they would have taken the front off the motor and I woulda have probably - pushed them up the road and into a wall!




When you calm down though and think straight you'll be ok - if the car was perfect - you'd be bored with it. But you don't need stuff like that happening.

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yea, it just really winds me up that i probably wont see the car again and i cant really do anything. the rear lights are fk red/smoked it was the passenger side that got broken just the corner part.will get some pics up when i can bear to look at the car again !


if the guy would have stopped and at least apologised i wouldnt have been so angry, really dont know what is up with people these days

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It's mega annoying - I got my Corrado hit by a B&Q lorry a few months back and it scraped the paint. I didn't get the plate and they didn't accept responsibility.


Crazy world.

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Report it to the police as a hit and run? They can at least keep their eyes peeled for it as it should have some damage on it from your car. Point out you were working under it at the time and it could have killed you! I think they might pay attention at that point.

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the rear lights are fk red/smoked it was the passenger side that got broken just the corner part.


sorry fella just checked an the same bit is broken on my set :(

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no problems mate, cheers anyways. think im just gonna leave the car for this year n get a little fiesta or something to run around in

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