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Thermostat need replacing??????

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Aft'noon chaps,

I've had the water tepm light flashing at me ever since I bought the car. Steve (the previous owner) rekons it's to do with a sensor that needs replacing & this is what he suggested would need doing:


''temperature sensor for coolant temp gauge and idle stabilisation (KR engine), Black single pin, part no. 049 919 501'' (thanks mic_VR) and hopefully this willl cure the problem


But I think it might be the thermostat that needs replacing as the temp gauge does not work, & when I turn on the heaters, the air coming out is 'luke warm':lol:


The fan works too.


I only think it might be the thermostat as I had the same problem in my GT4. The temp gauge went up to 1/4 way evan after loads of miles & the air from the heaters was not hot.


Just wanting to pick the brains of the 'seasoned' Corrado owners on here before I go out & buy a thermostat, only to find out I don't need one :lol:


If it is the thermostat................where do I locate it :? I should know this :lol:


Cheers for your help & answers in advance.



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If you're getting little or no heat into the car it could be the stat stuck open, a problem with the matrix by-pass valves (re-call fitment that is on the matrix feed pipes just before the bulkhead under the bonnet) or a blockage in the matrix itself, even an air lock.

But as you say the dash light flashes I'd say it's more likely to be the header tank level sensor or wiring to it which is dodgy.

A stuck open stat will cause very slow warm up but you will still get a full reading when the car is sat stationary for long enough with no flow of air through the rad.

the senders on the side of the KR head are all the same (the three small ones around the water outlet pipe) so their connectors can be swapped about to check if one is dodgy, they feed the gauge, idle circuit and ecu IIRC.

the stat itself is in the water pump outlet plastic flange underneath the power steering bracket, pain to get at but easy enough to test in a pan of water bing heater up on the hob :)

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But as you say the dash light flashes I'd say it's more likely to be the header tank level sensor or wiring to it which is dodgy.


Yeah a flashing light is either level too low or water too hot, as stated in the cars manual.

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