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Help, I can't go backwards... Fixed it!

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This is a begging for help thread....


I stuck the car in Reverse yesterday & it went forward, tried it again & it still went forward. Pushed it out of the parking space & took it for a spin & it appears that reverse is now 1st, 2nd can only be engaged when going from 1st & leaving the stick in the "pressed down" reverse position, then it pops up & selects 3rdm 4th & 5th fine although there seems to be LOADS of play in the gear selector while it's in gear, almost like it's in neutral.


I've searched on here & tried the thread about the linkage adjustment & fiddled with the bolt under the gaitor but this makes no difference, after a quick chat with a local garage they've told me I need a new gearbox!!! Is this true? Didn't notice any rattles or noises from the gearbox before it happened.


Any help would be VERY gratefully received & I'm willing to swap any offers of help for beer in the Cornish sun :D


Thank yoooooooooo



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It'd probebly be worth taking it up there for them to have a look at mate, I wouldn't trust a phone diagnosis if I were you :lol:


I can't say i've heard of a problem like this before though tbh! - very odd!

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Just adapt and move on, these things happen.


This is true, some people expect FAR too much from these 15 yr old cars 'ya know :lol:



It does sound like quite an odd thing to just happen all of a sudden, was the gearbox nice and smooth/direct/precise before this happened or did it feel crap for a while?

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Fixed it....... Loose bolt on the reverse select thingy going into the gearbox, I now can return from whence I came without turning around. Ta for the help though

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Haha similar thing happened to me in a car park the other day, reversed out of a space, went for first but nothing :?


Got me mate to push me back into me space :lol: , popped the bonnet, and the bolt had fallen out. Was nicely sat on top of the 'box. I used me spanner fingers, tightened up when back at work.



Life would be boring without the rado!!!

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Fixed it....... Loose bolt on the reverse select thingy going into the gearbox, I now can return from whence I came without turning around. Ta for the help though


Had the same happen to me last night... pull up to wait for my wife, black cab pulls up behind so edge forward for him as his arse is stupidly sticking out. He goes off on his merry way so I select reverse... and move forward instead! :shock: After two more goes I've edged too close to the parked car in front for me to pull out! :lol: At this point my lovely wife gets in. I get out... pop the boot, pretend I'm looking for something then pull the C backwards. "Dom! Dom! the car's moving!" I get back in, "don't panic... that'll be the new reverse gear dear" :norty:


Culprit, loose nut that holds the gear shift cable. For those with the Bentley, it's nut 'B' in section 34.10 Gearshift mechanism, adjusting/checking. Will replace with a self locking nut me thinks! :)


Don't worry VR... I still :luvlove: you

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