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Eibach Anti roll Bars

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Does anybody know if the anti rollbars from a Mk2 Golf will fit the Corrado? :?


shouldn't think so, the Corrado setup is more passat than golf, passive rear wheel steer on the back and the vr6 C uses the front plus axle of the mk3 golf.

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I dissagree many of the golf mk2 parts do in fact fit the C as I have just replaced the anti roll bar bushes and the part numbers are the same as mk3 and mk2 golfs so your in with a chabnce I'll have a look at work on our system to see what the part nunmbers for each are and get back to you!!

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Yeah thats what I thought, Front is MK2/3 Golf and rear end passat based...

Thanks Guys, I'll have a look at the part numbers tonight.



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Right Paul I looked up the anti roll bar for a mk2 golf gti 90 model and a corrado 91 model and the anti roll bars are exactly the same part number so a mk2 eibach anti roll bar should go onto a corrado no problem!!!!! Hope this helps!! :D

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They are an excellent mod for the money, keep the car very flat through the bends 8) you will lose some grip in the wet though so be carefull on greasy roundabouts, I had a few scarey moments in my mk2 :oops:

Wouldn`t recommend fitting them yourself unless you enjoy grazed knuckles an grit in your eyes :D

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Nice, I'll have to do the Bushes etc soon and I know how much of a pain it is.

I'm well used to swearing under my Corrado with bleeding hands and crap falling in my eyes... :mad: Thanks for the feedback... I'll let you know how I get on.



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you can't do nothing to a corrado without swearing at them it's just the way they are


He's not wrong you know...

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I was under my 94 VR6 on Wednesday and the roll bars look the same as a MK2.


With regard to losing grip in the wet, in theory this is true since the tyre does not lean over and 'bite' into the tarmac, however, a lot of it is down to tyre compound, shock and spring choice and camber setting. I ran a MK2 Golf Turbo with Eibach ARBs, koni TAs front and rear, H&R springs, 0.6 degrees negative camber and Goodyear F1s. I never once lost traction in the wet, in fact it was better than when I ran standard ARBs.


Just my findings



94 VR6

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Hi Kev, didn`t know you had a C! :roll:

Remember me with the white mk2 golf with the coded g60 arches? Ian`s mate from Torquay :p

Back to the subject, I always found when it was very slippy that the car would easily oversteer if provoked, I too had koni t/a`s and h&r springs, maybe you just drive slower than me :wink:

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Gonna relife this one.

I just got my Eibach antiroll bars through the post today - last ones in the country apparently!!!

Anyway, It says Golf MK2 on them. I also had a look under the C today and couldn't see a rear anti roll bar! Front one looks easy though.

Looking at the rear one supplied I can work out how the two arms attach, but there's nothing for the middle bit to go onto. There is also supplied two very large jubilee clip type things that presumably go on around the axle. But they're round, and the axle is oval.

And in the brief look that I got, it looks like the fwd end of the left arm will foul on the fwd end of the exhaust box.


Have I got the right ones, and if so, how do you fit the rear ones???

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They should fit as they are the same as the mk2. The rear bar is dead easy to fit, those jubilee clips clamp around the car and the rear beam, you will see where it has to go once you have got the bolts in at the ends. The ends obviously use the mountings for the rear dampers. The front bar is a pain to do, mainly getting the bolts back in that clamp the inner roll bar bushes, be very carefull not to cross thread them. You need to support the engine and drop the subframe down to get the old bar out and the new one in.

have fun :?

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Yes they are the right ones and the jubliee clips will shape themselves to the axle when you tighten them up. The rear ones are nice and easy to fit and it is actually the rear one that makes the biggest difference anyway. The standard roll bar is welded inside the axle, (you'll see it when you jack the car up) but is pretty ineffective. The exhaust is a known problem, generally stock VW boxes give enough clearance but aftermarket ones (wide supersprints especially) can knock on the box when cornering, so you may need to press an indentation into the side of the back box.


Here are some tips for the front bar, which is not so nice to fit:-


You have to drop the rear of the subframe to fit it, so you have to remove the 2 rear bolts and loosen the front bolts and basically suspend it that way until fitted.


As a precaution, I would cut two lateral grooves into the ends of the rear bolt threads (with an angle grinder) so that they cut the shit out of the captive nut threads as they go in, because they are extremely easy to cross thread, which is a F'in nightmare to put right.


Heat the end of the roll bar and use plenty of fairy liquid when pressing the anti-roll bar link bushes over the the ends of the bar as they are VERY tight.


I've done it in approx 3 hours on a drive with axle stands, but if you're not confident about the front one due to the subframe (you could drop the engine on your stomach if you're not careful), get it done on a ramp professionally, they can indent the rear exhaust whilst it's up on the ramp too, but if you do it yourself, you can put some rubber on the end of the bolt as a temporary measure.





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Wothcha Barry, just noticed your post above! Blimey, small world! Yeah of course I remember you mate! How's Ian, what's he up to? He hasn't spoken to me since him potentially buying my Black Valver, I think I pissed him off!??! Get him to drop me a line when you see him next!


Yeah I've had my C about a month now and love it! In hindsight, I think I would have gone for a G60 but my VR was spotted in a local rag and I couldn't resist it after a test run :p


I think your synopsis of the anti-roll bars is correct, I drive like an old fart!! I also found them VERY unforgiving if you hit a patch of diesel on a wet bend!




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A mate of mine just picked upa complete eibach arb set up at the malvern show this weekend for £100 jammy git ! they were s/hand but in good nick

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I can't help thinking that taking my ARBs to my local steelworks and getting them to copy them in bigger diameter HT steel would save a bundle!!


Saw some HUGE tubular ones on a MK1 at Stealth when I was there last. Must be dicey in the wet :?



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Just fitting an uprated front ARB will turn your car into an understeering nightmare, don`t do it! If you want some real fun then just fit an uprated rear bar, I fitted an Eibach rear ARB to my Golf and it was really good, not sure if it would be so much fun in the wet though. Best to fit a matched set, I have Eibachs on my C and it is a nice set up.

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Gotta agree with barrie,

Just fitted the rears this week - fronts really need a ramp, and I ain't got one. Made a massive difference to tha back around corners.

But that was in the dry. Today is really wet, and the rear tends to be a bit (understatement) lively! But only when pushed though.

Its a bit wierd, you can feel the front flexing while the rear refuses. Fit a matching pair, much safer, and less stress placed on the all wrong parts of the car.

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I fitted both front and rear Eibach anti roll bars with poly bushes, also have koni coilovres. In the corners the car is on rails, unbelieveable handling. In a straight line it rail roads like shit so you have to be careful and putting the power down in a corner isn't that nice eitehr as it steps out first, you get use to it.


Also fitted a rear top strut and this has made the car feel a lot better, not sure if I should fit the front top strut though.

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