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Diesel Junior

Pollen Filter

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As per the above..... when you slide away the plastic grille from underneath the black plastic shroud you basically look down a tube to the fan motor but oppo this is a strange black flap angled at about 45 degrees. It has a V.A.G. part number on it but i cant read mine since its 14 years old....what the hell is it for?? Help :shock: :shock:

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You can get pollen filters, Jetex do them for a mk 2 golf and it clips over the top of the scuttle cover.


Have a look in the knowledge base for a guide and more info.


Well worth having just to stop the seeds etc flying around the inside of the car.

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Just had a look at this wiki and ordered all the relevant bits :D I get mega hayfever in June and July plus when you put the vents on demist it throws loads of crud up onto the dash.

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A cheap alternative to the pollen filter is to cut a piece of cooker extractor fan filter to fit over the top of the plastic cover. If you make it slightly larger all round you can easily slip an elastic band over the top to keep it in place. Probably not fine enough to keep the pollen out, but it does an A1 job of keeping the bits of tree flying through your vents! :)

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The Jetex pollen filter is #413 and is excellent. Granted these things do work better on recirculatory systems but having had it for a week i can already see what would have been either in the car or on my lungs.....just one thing tho (and dont laugh!) it was a two man job to fit the thing!!! It clips onto the top of the grille no problem but then you have to lever it onto the studs....dont say i didnt warn you....

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