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Stan 24v

Refurbing Calipers (MK4)

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Anyone refurbed their calipers? Ive got some sticky rears on the Goof so Im buying the kit from VW, and was just wondering if anyone has any tips??


Cheers me dears :)

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I got my mk4 rear callipers from a car that only had 10k on the clock, so the seals should have been fine, unfortunately the pillock at the breakers yard used a flame torch on the car next to it and a couple of the sparks hit the outer dust seal on one of the callipers so i had to get the seal kit from vw.

they are really easy to rebuild just like the mk2 callipers the only things you need to do is make sure the bore of the cylinder and the outside of the piston including the main seal groove and dust seal groove are clean and free from corrosion (light corrosion can be removed with scotchbright or something similar).

make sure you dont damage the piston seal when you fit it (a little brake fluid will help to lube it up) and remember to insert the outside of the dust seal before you insert the piston into the bore then stretch the inner part of the dust seal over the piston (again a little break fluid will help it slide over the piston).

then push the piston into the bore but make sure it is inserted squarely, once the piston reaches the screw for the handbrake mech use a piston windback tool or pair of pliers to wind the piston back in (clockwise), make sure the dust seal is seated correctly in the top groove on the piston and that the dust seal isn't crumpled up.

then fit and bleed as nomal.

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Are you sure you need to rebuild them Stan? Reason I ask is that having owned a MK4 in the family for 9 years I've had to strip the rear brakes 4 or 5 times because they've seized up. Nothing wrong with the seals or pistons, it's just the pads that seem to stick in the carrier and all they need is removing, all the contact points cleaned and regreased and that does the trick. This advice was given to me by a VAG mechanic friend and he was absolutely right. Worth a try first I think :)

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Cheers guys, good advice there.


A1 the pads were changed, by me, last year mate and I ensured they were greased properly, however the calipers were quite stiff then too and theyve got worse so they defo need doing. I'll be doing it over the weekend so I'll let you know how it goes.


Cheers ;)

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