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why is it always vr's or g60's what about the rest

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Hello all


I know from standard the vr's and g60 look great on paper but what wrong with the 16v and 8v.


I know for a fact and I stand by my 16v that they are great engines and with a slight modification to correct VW error (the way I put it lol) you can have a 16v producing from 160-175bhp with no probs and running great


So why does everyone always over look them???




2.1 16v (starting the revolution lol)

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Could it be because the g60 and the vr6 were VW top of the range models. I know I bought my g60 because it was supercharged remember thinking "Supercharger ah what some of that action"


Never looked back in 6 years



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I've never overlooked the 16Vs! 8)


My MKI 16V Golf was a revolation to me when I built it, and even thought I've now got a higher powered G60, I still miss my first 'rado which was a 1.8 16V... The KR lump is exceptionally strong, flexible and well powered for it's size and age... I think that the reason that so many people over look the 16Vs is that the parts to upgrade them are slightly harder to come by and tend to be slightly more expensive... :?


Ker-plunk... 8)

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true can agruee with that


But im talking about the entire running of the car etc. personally i think 16v is the best to run and still alot of fun :D


I guess a simple 4 pot 16v valves just doesnt sound the same as a 6 pot 2.9L or a supercharged 1.8L :cry: lol :D

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my wifes mk2 16v is fantastic, very quick and lovely revvy engine,suspect its the same in the corrado but the impact must be a little dulled with the extra weight - Id love to try out a 16v G60 with the right gearbox - that would really fly.



160-170bhp in a valver is expensive to acheive,think that may be why G60's are popular - cheap to increase the power upto 170-190bhp......

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true i wont go into how much mine cost but its still cheap to mod a 16v


if its a 1.8 16v get a 9A 2L bottom end air filter and exhuast


if its a 2L 16v get a KR head with cams air filter exhuast inlcuding CAT by pass


U really dont have to do that much more to them and ive know people to do it well under £1000 inlcuding buy the parts.


maybe its just me lol :?

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Ive seen your car and can say your valver will be awesome once it is done mate. Will be just as good as any G60 or VR6. just avoid any more meeting with Fox's and Merc though! :shock:

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The current poll says something too... there's nearly three times as many VR6/G60's as there are 1.8/2.0 Valvers...


Corrado 1.8 16v [69]

Corrado G60 [140]

Corrado 2.0 8v [3]

Corrado 2.0 16v [46]

Corrado VR6 / SLC [109]

Corrado VR6 Storm / Campaign [28]


Every single model of the Corrado has it's good points and bad points.


No model is 'better' than any other (it's all subjective!).


We all look for different characteristics from our cars (whether it's looks, performance, driveability, tuning, modding, etc.). A large proportion of people clearly want the most power, the VR6/G60 have this so it's certainly part of the reason they're the most popular.


I'm sure we can all agree the Corrado is a damn fine car, and that applies to whichever model you have.





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lol thanx alot mate


didnt have any probs getting home yeasterday even thou it was crappy weather and i wouldnt be bothered to drive in it lol

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good damm u all have good points and agree with u Duncan


this is not aimed at the guys that own corrado (weve already seen the light :D ) this is (trying to show) guys who are looking to get corrado and lately ive seen posts on other forums about corrados and the min u mention 16v the jump on u like a hawk and the only thing u read is vr's or g60's which i think is just a pity in my opinion


hope that makes sense lol

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If the 16V had proven to be the best Corrado over it's entire 6 year (89-95) evolution, then that's the one I'd be driving. As with buying any car, it's all about pedigree, price and expectations.


Just look at the historical journalism notes.....everybody said the 16v was too slow and were thankful when the G60 arrived as it produced a good spread of torque, compared to the 16V's narrow torque band, which lived much higher up the rev band. Then the VR6 came along, which had the most toys, most refinement and biggest street cred.


The 16V set the standard, G60 smoothed over the edges and the VR polished it off.


Small numbers of 16Vs compared to G60/VR6 does not mean it's a bad car, far from it, Lord only knows how many valvers I've had over the years, but you can't argue with public opinion and the people wanted the higher powered models, simple as that.



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true but but when u look how much trouble u guys have with the vr's and g60's i rather stick to my valver :D


i guess the entire opinion of the public will always look at the 16v and 8v as less of a car (engine wise), but in my eye i think they are not


thanx for your opinion guys

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Oh yes G60s and VRs are troublesome, but it's worth it :D


Besides which, you've got a 2.1 under your hood anyway, so you should be the same, if not more, than a standard G60.....on paper.



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yeah but i still have freinds that have standard 16vs and ive seen them give a few cars on the road a few surprises


As for my car being trouble belive it or not i never get trouble from it, the only thing thats gone has been the throotle body sensor which i never protected so it melted lol


and the alternator as its on its way out and on its last legs lol but that you would expect from a 134000 mile alternator


otherwise the engine has been thrashed to inch of its life and works fine evertime (touching alot of wood (as in the material for u dirty minded people lol) and crossing my fingers as i say this) lol


as for power i think i a little bit better with 190 bhp and a top speed tested on a airfield track day at 150mph and still pulling so i cant count mine as no where near standard lol :twisted: :lol: :D

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i think you could do a lot worse than getting a G60 with a bummed charger or engine and swapping in a 16v with turbo and speaking to bilal. not as easy as written but id say you could do that for around 4k if the car cost 1k. a good G60 would cost that and the 16v turbo would leave a well tuned G60 for dead.


IMO the 16v is a far superior engine to the 1.8 8v of the G60 it just lacks forced induction to make the power.


tis all about flow.


a hybrid corrado. best of all worlds.

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thats very true the 1.8 16v when turbo chargered will leave most things on the road for dead


ive heard some stories from germany that amazed me with engine upto 600 bhp :o :lol: :D :twisted:

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I used to have a 16V Turbo, cracking engine. Stealth built it using the one of the last Turbo Technics kits, plus a few of his special modifications to refine it. It was very smooth and very quick and still going strong, now churning out 260bhp it's current owner happily reports!

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I've had my G60 for 6 years and its never broken down on me once. If you look after your motor it will look after you.


Sandy G60


PS Think JD engineering got 325+ bhp oot an 8v G60, that C would really fly

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I had a 2.0 16v and gave a newish 911 a real hard time, until it got to the open straights and he'd drive off into the distance, but in 1st and 2nd, i was right with him. And you could tell by the look on his face, at each traffic light we kept meeting, that he wasnt happy that the little Volkswagen was still anywhere near him. I wanna see the same bloke again, now that i got the VR.

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i didn't read all those posts.. but my 2 cents on the whole thing:


a) we didn't get 16v corrado's here

b) corrados are heavy cars, i wouldnt want anything less than the power the G60 or VR put out.. yes you can bring a 16v up to the same power level.. but by the time you've gone through the hassle you can have made a 200+hp G60 for around the same cash.

c) i'm buying an 82 rabbit and probably an 86 cabrio this week. one of those will get a 16v! light cars :D

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true but but when u look how much trouble u guys have with the vr's and g60's i rather stick to my valver :D


i guess the entire opinion of the public will always look at the 16v and 8v as less of a car (engine wise), but in my eye i think they are not


thanx for your opinion guys


i think what has to be remembered too is that the reason that there seems to be a few major problems with the G60 or VR6 is the fact that when new these were quite expensive motors for VW and were also expensive to maintain and repair too......with the passing of time they have become more affordable and some have fallen into peoples hands who haven't been able to have problems sorted asap or maintained them to the standards required so when people then buy these motors they have the legacy of poor servicing/maintenance/repairs to contend with.......


so far in 25k miles of VR ownership i've only had one mechanical breakdown(touch wood) which if you consider the fact my storm is 8 years-old is not too bad a thing.....afterall pumps do and will wear out........but i totally agree with sandy "look after your motor and it will look after you"......as soon as i know of a problem i get it attended to asap


anyway back to the thread......i actually looked at a few 8-valvers when i was looking for a C........i even came close to buying a 22k mile minted 8v auto......i also found that especially up here 16v's were fairly few and far between especially the 2.0 16v.......and i didn't mind paying the extra to get a VR......but if i found a decent 16v i would probably of snapped it up but VR's were a bit easier to find when i was looking

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