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oil in air intake pipe

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Right a quick question about my 93 VR.


I have found oil in the air intake pipe, between the airbox and throttle body. Im just wondering if there should be oil in there!?


The pipe that comes from the head (at the back on the left as you look at the engine) and into the intake pipe, is missing the PCV (?) valve, its just a straight pipe with a electrical connection on one end. Its around there that most of the oil has accumulated. Is the oil coming from the pipe between the head and the intake due to this missing valve?


Its not loads of oil, but it is enough. Its also got its self in the throttle body which i had to give a clean out.


Any advise appreciated.



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isn't this just part of the breather system aka engine ventilation system?


I don't have a Reihen, but my 16v has tons of pipes that recirculate oil vapour back into the inlet.


Are you getting pools of it in the pipe or just a fine mist?

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tbh, it could be a completely acceptable amount but the fact that the oil is pooling in the ridges means it is not getting picked up and recirculated by the intake air (as it is out of range of the airflow) and as such seems more evident than it would normally be had that pipe been designed ridge-free.





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From what i can remember its 'PCV'. Theres a valve between the head and the intake pipe. If you look at the inlet pipe there is another pipe coming off it which has a plug coming off of it. This is where this so called valve should be but mine, among other VR owners have it missing. Ill try dig some old posts/pics up later on. ot even sure if it would effect anything. But this is why i was asking for help.

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Think the PCV valve was missing from most 1992-3 VRs. Mine had just a pipe when I bought it. Bought a PCV from Ford, because I didn't like the oil build up in the intake. Don't think it's anything to worry about, tbh :) Just clean it out every few weeks, or get a PCV from Ford ;)

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Here you go:


Valve-crankvent 7364573 £21.26 + VAT


VW sell it, but only along with all the other intake gubbins- around £80 iirc.

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Positive Crankcase Ventilation perhaps 8)


sorry, whenever I post on here I automatically think everyone has a KR 16v! :confused4: :cuckoo: :brickwall:

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