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16v not catching help...

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Ugh! The car's been working fine and then I went to go to work this afternoon and the starter was turning and turning, but the fuc*er wouldn't catch.


Not that I enjoyt paying for cabs but I need this sorted fast.


It's done this once before, after a heavy rain it died out while driving. When attempts to restart it would just chug and chug but never ingnite. After a few hours I tried to drive it and it fired right up. It's been behaving since.


Looking at the engine bay most of the engine is dry, however it would seem to me that something is intermitant and likely linked with moisture. Around the fuel distributor seems to be a bit moist, but I dunno. I pushed the vacume line tight on the right hand side of the airbox as well.


I resteated all my plug wires including the one that goes to the coil.


Really preturbed at this... anyone that can help, please do... ? :nuts:

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^^^ ditto.


My early 16v always takes 2 attempts to start from cold, I just need a quiet couple of hours to fit the spare ignition switch i have in the glovebox!

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