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Jim Bowen

Battery covers?

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does anyone use a battery cover?


my car came with the battery in some little foam type bag thing which is really tatty now so i took it off.


i seen you can get stainless steel covers, but wouldn't this short out the battery? or i have seen carbon ones, but they all seem a little crap/tacky looking to me.


does anyone have any ideas or shall i just not bother with one?

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I've got one of those real carbon ones off ebay, little bit boy racer but it matches my bmc so I hope I get away with it, looks much nicer then a bare messy battery.

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You can still get them from VAG, not the bag type ones but the black plastic ones that sit over the top.

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I'd just replace the jacket with a new one personally.


Not keen on the covers, they're look a bit cheap and tacky imo.....but they're useful for resting spanners on. How many people have shorted out their 17mm spanner across the terminals by mistake? I know I have several times :lol:

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where do the bag type ones come from?


mine has a big hole in it, like something has melted it


They are OE fit items from VAG but I think they are obsolete now.

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