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Gemini 6 speed with Quaife torsen diff in VR6 casing

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Maybe you should put a price up then of what you think its worth mate, then who ever is interested in it can decide if its worth that much to them... dude then you can go and streeeeeettttttcccccchhhhh some rubber and slam it

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Laughing... Yea,


ED38 (waste of time unless you want to stretch your rubber & slam ur ride, dude...)

Club GTi (seems slightly "overrun" by a certain "personality"..)

And here on the C forum (which is actually ok!)


I've decided not to sell it as don't see the point if people only think it's worth £1500, I may as well keep it, either leave it in the C (and give the C to the misses) or build a MK1 "toy" and stick it in that.


Hope I haven't pi55ed anyone off as that was not the intention.


Not at all! Thats what your thread was all about - to cost the gearbox. I know folks have estimated 1500 - but if the cost of a gearbox rebuild, alternative final drive and a Quaife is around 1200 - then I'd place a bit more value than your setup - seeing as its a full 1-6 arrangement.


You could still put up an ad with the price you feel its worth - thats going to be a more accurate way of finding its current value. Otherwise - enjoy it in a mk1!

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well all i can add further to this debate is that this box is the best thing i've bought and its just a lack of education of those who don't realise what it adds to a car.

as mr cheesy says. its an overlooked upgrade when in truth its one of the best upgrades around - and very rare and exotic but should not be disregarded out of hand.


many would rebuild and engine, add a chrager or turbo for more money but a box such as this adds so much more.


i doubt i'd sell mine - not unless i brke the car

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