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Squeeling at hi revs!

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Im VR6 squeels when I give it some and take it to over 4000 revs. Now this does sound abit like a supercharger, but cant be good!!


It sounds to me like a slightly loose aux drive belt so Im thinking of changing this, as have no record of when it was last changed. Do you think this is the likely cause, or is there something else which commonly causes this problem? Is there a way of checking the tensioner is not fubar'd? Also is it worth changing the tensioner bearing while im at it?


Thanks guys

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sounds as if youve got a pulley which is faulty, usually an idler which goes so it could well be the tensioner pulley!

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OK thanks. Is there a way of telling if one of the pulleys is faulty when I get the belt etc off? WIll it feel gavelly or rough when turned by hand?

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as you descibed it, possibly but they dont always, its virtually a trial and error exercise.....

sorry cant be any more help

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