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On-line tax

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Any-one know if I get my Tax on-line and still drive the car can I still be caught or will the DVLA update the APNR system immediately?


I'm guessing there's probably an over-night upload or something?


Not don on-line taxing before so a bit confused, do you get a reciept or something to prove that you have taxed the car till the disc turns up?

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Phew I got worried when i saw the thread title, i thought they where going to start taxing internet porn :pale:


I was told by someone at the DVLA when i phoned them that it would take about 14 days before it would be logged with the ANPR system as having no tax on the vehicle (but was told thats not official and i shouldnt tell anyone), but in the mean time if you are pulled without a disk or an out of date one they can still do you for failure to display, but they wont do you for no tax, i just printed out the receipt from the online tax application and kept in in the car for a couple of days until the new one arrived, which may work depending on whether it's a reasonable copper or a north wales copper who stops you :wink:


just dont park it anywhere a traffic warden will see it.

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i've done it the past two years, tax ran out at end of june, i bought it online on sunday night and it arrived on tuesday.


i think as long as you have paid its all provable if it ever gets that far.......

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Annoyingly, the offence is "failing to display a valid tax disc", not "failing to HAVE valid tax".


The whole car tax system is deeply unfair right now.


- even though if you miss the date by a day they can AUTOMATICALLY fine you, you cannot AUTOMATICALLY pay for it each year.

- even though you may have purchased a valid tax disk, they can still STEAL and CRUSH your car if you don't display it in the window.


We're halfway between the old, messy, manual system, but which gave the buyer some grace time and flexibility, and a new fully automated computerised system, and it's a difficult place to be right now. It is quite possible, under the present laws, that if you are on holiday for e.g. 6 weeks, you will be unable to prevent your car being stolen and crushed by the government, because you can't buy a tax disk early enough before you leave the country, and by the time you get back it will be too late.

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well there is a month gap to get TAX, I got caught without tax (just bought a car without TAX... £50 mini to get home from York :) ), the police pulled me over I told them the post office was closed and was going to get it in the morning. When you buy TAX you buy it for the whole of that month, you buy it on the 16th you are paying for a whole month but only getting half a month out of it!!


I don't understand why they don't just get rid of the yearly TAX and just take it out of the fuel TAX... I mean the TAX on super is 62.8p per litre!!! either that or just do away with the disc and just direct debit it and have it registered to the license of the car? :scratch:

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well there is a month gap to get TAX, I got caught without tax (just bought a car without TAX... £50 mini to get home from York :) ), the police pulled me over I told them the post office was closed and was going to get it in the morning. When you buy TAX you buy it for the whole of that month, you buy it on the 16th you are paying for a whole month but only getting half a month out of it!!


I don't understand why they don't just get rid of the yearly TAX and just take it out of the fuel TAX... I mean the TAX on super is 62.8p per litre!!! either that or just do away with the disc and just direct debit it and have it registered to the license of the car? :scratch:


A month isn't always enough, and actually there was a much-publicised campaign about them automatically fining you for being a day late buying it. But you're dead right there's no need for the display of the tax disc any longer since every copper and traffic warden has the PNC database at their fingertips. The disc itself should be abolished, even if the tax remains.

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I find it hard to believe it takes two weeks to go onto the system if you do it online. I wouldnt bother buying online if your tax has run out, get to a Post office. I taxed my Corrado online halfway through the month - I had to, but a delay in post meant it didnt turn up for 6 days, I thought no worries I'll keep the online reciept in the car should I get stopped, explain and it should be ok.


Then some tit of a copper did me for "failure to display.." at 2am!!! I was fu**ing livid, all he had to do was run in a check on the PNC data base, which would have told him it was insured, mot'd and taxed online. Crap out of date system.


I have been a victim of car crime so many times and all I get from coppers in return is a fixed penalty notice. They have done sweet FA about break-ins on my car. An old car I had got broken into under a CCTV camera, they didnt seem to care at the time, I kept on at them giving them all the details so they'd go and get the film from the camera. I was first told 'its probably some local scrote we wont be able to do much about..." :cuckoo: Then I got a call off them about their "investigation" - 3 MONTHS LATER to say the camera was off that day.... :confused: Bollox.


It's just another reason for making me want to leave this country.


So, in summary, dont give the bastards a chance to catch you if you can help it.

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I find it hard to believe it takes two weeks to go onto the system if you do it online.

I didn't say that, i said it takes two weeks for your car to show up on the ANPR system as having no tax once it has run out (according to the DVLA woman), once you buy your tax online it should be pretty much instant though.

and the last three times i have done it, the disk has arrived within 4 days, which is a hell of a lot less stressful than going into my nearest post office which is usually full of coffin dodgers than smell of wee, and has usually run out of all the forms they need :censored:

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Then some tit of a copper did me for "failure to display.." at 2am!!! I was fu**ing livid, all he had to do was run in a check on the PNC data base, which would have told him it was insured, mot'd and taxed online. Crap out of date system.


I have been a victim of car crime so many times and all I get from coppers in return is a fixed penalty notice. They have done sweet FA about break-ins on my car. An old car I had got broken into under a CCTV camera, they didnt seem to care at the time, I kept on at them giving them all the details so they'd go and get the film from the camera. I was first told 'its probably some local scrote we wont be able to do much about..." :cuckoo: Then I got a call off them about their "investigation" - 3 MONTHS LATER to say the camera was off that day.... :confused: Bollox.


It's just another reason for making me want to leave this country.


So, in summary, dont give the bastards a chance to catch you if you can help it.

Gotta love A&S Constabulary...!

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ive done it and drove around without displaying thats the only thing you will get done for! (not displaying) so just dont go to carparks where ppl can look at the car!

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I have drove around for 4 years not displaying it :cuckoo: never been done either even when pulled, they asked me where it was i said i need a new tax disc holder as it fell off earlier in the night and i just put it safely in the glove box, here it is officer.....

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The DVLA database is way out of kilter with whats going on, same as the insurance one, the only one thats more or less 100% reliable is the new mot one, which the DVLA know you have got an mot before you do :norty: as the tester inputs the data there and then


I buy my tax online, never had a problem, if you have the old tax disc in the car displayed and have purchased the new one then you cant have any action taken against you by the dvla for a month period, like wise if your car is in the street not displaying tax and one of the un taxed car removal teams comes around they will not be given permission to remove it unless it is more than 1 month out of date


If any copper gives you a ticket for failing to display after you have explained to them that you have bought it on line, make sure you get a full stop account form from them and tell them at the roadside you wish to have the matter dealt with at court and refuse the ticket, they would be obliged to interview you at the roadside and then report you for summons and pass the cle/26 back to the dvla for action, by the time that all goes through the dvla would have realised that you did infact have tax and an over zealous PC was simply being a bit anal, just make sure you display the last tax disc you had for the car even if its out of date


It does not do well to alienate members of the public with pathetic matters like that, especially when a reasonable explanation has been given, it does make my piss boil :bad-words:


Im not anti police, far from it :grin: just think sometimes "the few" give the rest a bad name :wink:


some coppers dont believe in making the government money or ballooning their pathetic statistic count! especially as they make sure the "doggers" "fraudsters" "deviant drug taking perverse suit wearing champagne drinking hooray brigade" get a pay rise every year!


most coppers are ordianry people more interested in actually catching real criminals commiting real crimes, against other ordinary people, or trying to get the scumbags locked up working with archaic laws legislated in the 1800`s that are woefully out of date and hardly upto modern crime trends and offending, with sentences dealt out by judges or magistrates who appear a lot of the time to be on another planet when it actually comes to a suitable "punishment"!


But hey ho :wink:

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my sister got busted for failing to display the disc... she had one of those crappy metal disc holders which have to fight the laws of physics and cling to the screen on about 3 blobs of sticky rubber - said stickies gave out, disc fell into passenger footwell and presto, she got done :nono:


like most folks have said though, if you buy the disc online it's normally with you in 3 days anyway

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