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Adz The Rat

Vote For My Car Please!!!

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Ignore the chavs, the C is the only car there without a ridiculous bodykit - therefore, it would get my vote regardless of me being inclined towards dubs.. :p


Edit: I just voted again \o/

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Comments lifted from a chavvy car forum.............


"i duno why that **** vw is winning it looks ****."


"cant believe the vw is winning. Dont think it comes close to ur car dude"


"Well anyone win rather than that corrado thingy lol"


Hahaha we going to take that????

I well need more votes to show them!!!


What did you expect when entering your car in a chav competition on a chav website :lol: :lol: who cares if it comes last on there? :shrug: I think i'd consider it a good thing really!


It's horrible seeing a rado lined up with the rest of those cars on that site tbh, the Corrado shouldn't be classed with the rest of those cars IMO, :smug:

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Just voted mate by far the best car on that list too many cars that have seen the ripspeed treatment!!

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Have sent an email to my mate whos part of the VXonline club (he owns an astra coupe turbo btw none of the ott ripspeed stuff) and said get your club in line if they think a pink corsa is going to beat a corrado vr6 then their having a laugh!! Funny how people dont appriciate great cars its like they are cut off from the world and modified is the only way to go, stuck with their sh!t boxes till their 30 odd and been modifying it since they were 17 they will learn eventually i hope!!


Any rant over and Bump for the corrado



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I think the Photoshop picture is the funniest thing - like how they photoshop a tonne of tat onto the Corrado to take the mick out of it. Yet the Corsa already HAS the tat glued onto it.


Perhaps they fail to see the irony in it all.

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Why thank you my friends!!!!!!!!


Yea I saw the arguement on the VX forum, it was my mate Simmo (drives a 1.8T Golf) and my mrs that were givin them stick on there.


Who wants to see the photoshop Simmo did of the Corsa?????

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I didnt do the pic and deffo dont think its funny!!!!!

(Got to say that as the pic of mine was removed from the VX forum as it was abuse hehe)



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holly s**t when i saw that pic i was laughing for ages at work (not good as i looked like a nut , laughing to myself) still so funny :lol:

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Was thinkin about this today cos its nearly USC time haha


I did win last year but at the show I was too drunk to go on stage and get my prize, oops!!!


Not going this year, too chavvy so going E38 instead.

Anyone off here going??

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