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Removing smashed and seized rear bearing - Garage Wont admit

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Ditto Walesy.


I'm dropping a stripped hub and febi bilstein bearing over to a reputable garage on my lunchbreak today. I spoke to them on saturday and am hoping that they are happy to put it in and just charge me labour.

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Nice one m8 keep at it. Companies like this rely on the little guy to just roll over and shut up.


The worst thing you can do to them is give them bad feedback in the Audi/VW community. I mean they must have lost over ten fold in revenue compared to the cost of admitting liabilty and sorting your car out free of charge on this forum alone.


Don't lay down on this one fella and good luck.




I have been advised that the best thing for me to do which may well result in the worst thing for them is inform trading standards, i have rung them this morning but my phone lost signal so i will be phoning back this afternoon to seek their advice.


Citizans advice reminded me to think laterally about the sitaution and providing the Independant vehicle inspection and possibly a chemical analysis on the bearing will be non circumstantial evidence.


I feel this whole situation has gotten out of control for what was agreeably an easy if embarrasing mistake to make if not used to working on older vehicles, i am finding it hard to believe it is a part problem and what is motivating me to get to the bottom of this is the way the consumer is treated and just has to accept the garages statements regardless. Even if i have to incur the full cost somewhere else to fix the vehicle i will be happy that i have exhausted all ways of trying to resolve the issue. I am gaining nothing by giving them the work at the end of the day!

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The chances of it being a problem with the part look to be next to none! Whether you can prove that categorically though remains to be seen :eek:


Good luck with it anyhow mate :salute:

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Oke doke, just got off the phone with trading standards, very very nice people!


They say the garage, if can be proved to be at fault has a duty to make good under the sale of trade act of something or other (will edit and correct with the right terminology when the email comes through from them!) I am to send a letter on to them informing them that a qualified professional has inspected the vehicle and this is his opinion ' quote mechanics statement' and inform them they have a duty by law to make good their work, and to inform them that if they still wont aknowledge the problem i will happily pay for an independant vehicle check from the rac that will show waht the root cause is. This cost will be passed to the responsible party... eventually... but either way, they basically informed me i should not pay for anywork to be done to rectify it as its not my fault the error has occured!

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You forgot to insert this smiley mate > :smug:


lol, not smug yet dude, they have to respond to the letter! got a feeling from the behaviour so far it wont be as easy as 'yes sir certainly sir!' lol

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feeling from the behaviour so far it wont be as easy as 'yes sir certainly sir!' lol


You never know. Once you start quoting rules and regulations from trading standards, their attitude might change quite quickly..

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As above, i'd be surprised if there was a case, allthough the evidence is pretty compelling - so it'll be interesting to see what they say, and where it goes if they stick to their guns.


If they change their minds now it's as good as admitting that not only did they not grease the bearing, but they also tried to shift the blame and not take any responsibility for their poor workmanship :lol:

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