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Neil VR6

VR6 won't start

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The buzzing's intermittant and comes from the steering column. It only buzzes after having been cranking the engine for ages and then only sometimes.


I went into the local VW specialist and they've suggested ECU relay though.

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Sigh, sounds like you are YET another victim of the OBD1-always-reports-crank-sensor-fault scam. Your garage should have been aware that if the engine is NOT TURNING it will always report "no signal" for the crank sensor. An expensive mistake to make.

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I just ordered an ECU relay from GSF (£7.50 +vat) and picked up a fuel pump relay from my local garage to see if that works.

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Just plugged the new fuel pump relay in and the car cranked into life. I also topped up the battery after some hard cranking this morning. Hurrah!

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We'll see what happens tomorow morning! Presumably the racoons will have been at work overnight and broken something else. MOT this week too :bonk:

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