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New to Corrado's... insureance... help?

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Im thinking of gettin a 1.8 16V corrado as my next car, but im struggling to find good insureance for my age and details...

i am/will be when my insureance needs re-newing


18, male,

1 years NCB

NO offenses


What sort of price do people think is a good price/ place to go for good deals?

so far the best i've got is £1285 tpft with yesinsureance.

help me please, i really want a corrado





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best one for me was direct line that was £1300 fully comp on a vr6 and im 21(was at the time) so not much help but worth giving them a bell or try chris Knott insurance good luck



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Not sure the best place to go but in the interests of getting the quote down; if you have an older relative with a good driving record get them put on as a named driver it generally brings the quote down significantly. A friend of mine saved £170 doing just that, mine is normally £50 cheaper for having the old man insured on it too even though he never drives it.

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thanks for the help, yeh im trying to find sum old relative who can go on my policy


if i were to claim and they were on the policy, would they loose their NCB?


thanks, yeh people seem to be saying Adrian flux, HIC and knotts as good places to go, gonna give them a call. any discount for being a member on here/ any membership things where i can get lower quotes and discount?




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thanks for the help, yeh im trying to find sum old relative who can go on my policy


if i were to claim and they were on the policy, would they loose their NCB?


thanks, yeh people seem to be saying Adrian flux, HIC and knotts as good places to go, gonna give them a call. any discount for being a member on here/ any membership things where i can get lower quotes and discount?





Check the HIC and Chris Knott insurance links on the main page of the forum :wink:


Named drivers on your policy wont lose their NCB if you claim on your policy.


Tbh £1200 sounds about right though, I paid that when I first started to insure the rado.

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£1200 sounds pretty good in fairness, for an 18 year old! 8)


You can wangle a bit of discount from mentioning you're a member of a forum or enthusiast club etc with most companies really.

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Certainly do try as suggested above HIC or Chris Knott. Been using them both for over 7 years now, this year it was £221 fully comp protected but im knocking on a bit now (yeah rite) you can sometimes get a discount if you are a member of a club like the Corrado Club of G.B. and the £10 joining fee is always retrived on you policy premium.



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