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Jim Hughes

Rear susspension problem! another one!

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It went for its MOT today, Failed,the rear beam/axle - forward mounts the passive ones I believe from the pivot point. How much and how hard to put right? the garage where it is at are both reasonable and competent, do I leave them to do it or is it an 8 hour job and an expesive part? are special tools required to fit the part? Thanks in advance Jim

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there's a fair few posts on here about this, do a search.

in summary it's a pig of a job without the proper vw hydraulic press, which also allows you to do it with the car up on a 2 post lift and without removing the beam.

Otherwise you need to remove the rear brake lines, take the beam off, cut, hack, even blow torch out the old rubber and metal bushes and then make up a puller to press the new bushes in.

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Do a search for "rear beam bush replacement". Loads of info there.


Basically, the bushes are only a couple of quid. they are a right bugger to fit though and ideally need a special tool to fit. I'd leave the garage to do it tbh, but budget about £300-£350 to do the job.

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