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New Corrado or not?

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I've got a dilema..


I've had my car for nearly 4 and a half years and if i'm entirely honest all it has done has cost shedloads of money. Its still fun and i really enjoy it but the constant niggling problems are starting to affect my life ie i need a reliable car to get to uni and the schools i'm going to be doing placements in and i can't trust it to do this.


I'm quite sentimental about my car and i would really love to keep it on the road but i can't have 2 cars and a bike and i can't afford for it to let me down in the next year or so. It is already giving me grief at the moment because it keeps blowing the same fuse (for the indicators) and i haven't got the time to take it to a garage.


Ideally i would like to swap the engine (1.8T would be nice :) ) but i don't know whether it is worth it when i could buy a tidy G60 or VR for less. The tax runs out at the end of November and the MOT is due in early December so i've got some thinking to do.


Can anyone offer some opinions/suggestions?

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If you buy another car you might just end up beginning to repeat the process that you are probably a fair way through with your current one - difficult decision to make, if I was you I'd probably stick with the devil I know

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Yours looks so sweet. You'll only regret selling it and as has already been said, you dont know what you'd be buying. Personally i would spend the time it would take you to source a new car to get an auto electrician to find the fault with your indicators, i reckon once this problem is solved you wouldnt even think about selling up.


Keep it, you'll only regret it.

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If you buy another car you might just end up beginning to repeat the process that you are probably a fair way through with your current one - difficult decision to make, if I was you I'd probably stick with the devil I know




I have just been through this. My car has been brilliant for 7 years of motoring. Last year things have started to go wrong and I was just getting fed up with it. So it was either sell it on for peanuts and spend a further £5k and get a boring Golf etc or spend £3k sorting it out 100% to hopefully give me another 7 years trouble free motoring!


In the end there was no competition. Bit of hard work yes but that makes it all the more worthwhile.


Go for the engine conversion, I reckon the new 2.0 out of the Gti would be a great way to go. More frugal than a V6 but more character than the 1.8T which I really don't rate.

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