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Battery light stays dim. Any Clue to what it might be?

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My battery light on the dash does not go out fully. I Bought a new battery recently and had this problem since, the alternator is also recent (about a year old). I tested the voltage and I get 12.6v without engine running and 13.0 volts with the engine running and no other electrical items are on, is this normal or should it be higher? It was fine before i fitted the new battery.

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should be nearer 14v when the engine is running AFAIK.


Have you checked your earth leads? sounds like you might have disrupted the one by the battery when you swapped it over.


Also, do you know how to remove and inspect the voltage regulator on the alternator? My guess would be it's more likely the earth strap though.

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id clean/check all earths, try with engine running, put live of multi meter on batery and earth of meter on engine and see if the voltage is higher, this will indicate its earth strap

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Cheers for the responses i will test the earth strap. If its not that then I will remove the voltage regulator from the alternator and inspect it. Many thanks :salute:

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I tested the earth straps and I get the same reading of 13 volts. The problem must lie with the alternator. Is the voltage regulator the thing that is black and has Bosch written on it, held in with two philips screws? Is there a way of testing that? Sorry for all the questions. Thanks.

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That sounds like one phase of the alternator has failed. It will still work, but only at 2/3rds capacity assuming this is the case.

Can you continuity check the alternator windings?

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Well I found out the warranty hadn't run out on the alternator, so I whipped it out and got a brand new 90 amp one in exchange for the 65 amp one and pleased to say its all fixed. Don't know what caused the original alternator to fail though. :shrug: Cheers for your help as always its much appriciated. :)

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voltage regs just fail sometime dude, the alternator has big holes all over it to let the heat out and crud sometimes gets in and gunks them all up :gag:

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