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Errrrm How do I remove the original Sony Head Unit?

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Without using a hammer!


Sorry proper newbie question this but does it just pull out? Or is it screwed in?


Thanks :oops:

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get down to hellfrauds, they usually have the tools to extract the unit. either that or a slide couple of big kitchen knives between the trim and the cage that holds the head unit i place. it has about four tabs that are bent down on the bottom and up on the top to anchor the cage in place. it's a bit fiddly but it works! good luck boss.

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I went to my local ice shop and bunged them 2 quid to get it out, but IIRC there are 4 small holes that you poke the tool into and this releases the radio from the cage.

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Not just any hammer... Look closely! :lol:


But yeah Sony's tend to have the 4-pin arrangement, hosever the cages are made of monkey tin and if you can get a decent grip on it (and some brave pills) it does just pull out!


My 12yr old Sony & 10-disc changer's been through 5 cars now!

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Cheers! :D


If i had the mighty hammer of Thor then I would of course have used it!


Plus I would also fly around the world hitting people on the head with it but thats a whole different ball game....

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If it's the type with four holes, a metal coat hanger cut into two 6" lengths and bent back on themselves so that the two ends fit in the two holes always works a treat.

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Sorry to hijack this thread but....

I have just taken my standard sony CD head unit out of my raddo - do people still want these or is it pretty much worthless?


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