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G60 starting issues

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Finished football training tonight in the freezing cold, went to start my car, started normally but when I went into reverse and gave it a little throttle to get moving it seemed down on power, so I dipped the clutch and sort of fizzled out and died. Tried to start it again and it nearly went but sounded almost half hearted if you know what I mean and never properly got going.


Didn't manage to check much as it was very dark and very cold, although there is defineley fuel getting in and it was working fine before hand.


I thought it could be the hall sender at first but i'm having doubts as I'm not sure if I remember the rev counter going a bit crazy - my memory is getting really bad for short term stuff :cuckoo: (and i'm only youngish!).


After a while of attempting to start it and messing around I managed to get a very dangerous tow home. I suppose it will give me something to do this weekend, any got any pointers of where to start?

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Bit of an update, the timing marks are out by a few teeth and the cam belt soesn't seem tight enough (had the cam belt done by VW last year) the plot thickens...........

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I have been having some issues with starting some times, I am starting to think it is the ISV that needs to be cleaned or replaced :( basically I am getting the same as you, you start it go to drive and it starts to die, if you leave it to idle it will sound like it is misfiring badly, but if you can keep it going till it warms up it drives fine :scratch: really is begining to p1ss me off

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when I put MS on my car at 1st I had no isv.I would then have to hold the revs up for about 30 seconds until the car got a bit warmer and then it would idle.

I now have an isv running and so don't need to do this.

When cold starting the isv plays a big part.However some people on here run without one but i found consistent starting differcult without one.



Clean or replace your isv's to rule them out.

Also check that your blue temp senders are healthy as the ecu needs this sensor to properly meter cold start enrichment.



Next time you go for a long drive see if the situation is better on warm starts.

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My ISV's a minter, got it off ebay for the grand sum of £30 and had been bought by the seller from VW about 5k ago (bargin of the week).


On another note, it's working again!!!! Sorted the valve timing so it was spot on, redid the tensioner, still nothing - although the compression was immense. Then I noticed that there was no fuel pump priming noise! A quick fuse swap soon sorted that out and it was running! It was flat as a pancake when I went for a drive and I couldn't be bothered to drive into town to get a timing light off my mate as it was getting late, so I advanced it till it pinked, then backed it off a touch.


Not sure if that the cam belt skipping a tooth or two would be enough for it not to run or if it's possible to skip at all, didn't notice the fuel pump not priming at the time (didn't really think it was a fuel issue as I could smell it after a few attempts to start), not sure what would cause the fuse to blow in the first place. Need to set it up properly with the timing light and what not, but for now my work is done.

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