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g60 cambelt timing

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hi,have just got hold of a j reg g60,looks like someone has had a go at the cambelt and made a right balls up of it,the car is very under powered which i thought may have been the supercharger at fault until i had a closer look,have stripped it down tonight too see if the timing marks lined up which dont,before i stripped it i lined the top cam pully up with the 2 dots either side of the rocker cover marker,lined the flywheel pointer up with the casing mark,now when i looked at the mark on the bottom pully this did not line up with the pointer on the lower plastic cambelt cover,also found that the dizzy/aux pully that runs off the cambelt was pointing almost downwards but it says in my autodata cambelt fitting book that it should have the small timing mark on the pully at the 9 o'clock postion,i know that i can swing the dizzy but i'm sure this pully being this far out is not going to help,am i right in saying there are 2 marks close together on the flywheel,one for TDC and the other being the timing mark??and that they may have timed it to the wrong mark??any pics would be a great help as i am going to be fitting it back up tomorrow night after work with a new belt and tensioner,also removed the bottom crank pully to make sure the keyway hadnt sheared off which it has'nt,


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cheers for that,think the person who put the last belt on must have been blind,hopfully it wont have clipped any valves,car did run ok,just no power untill yesterday when it started to missfire badly and was a bugger to start,thinking this may be a diffirent fault,kinglead etc,

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hi,right have fitted the cambelt and all is fine,the only prob i have now is there is a missfire,looks as if it has had new plugs,leads,king lead,dizzy,dizzy cap,rotor arm,coil,even done a compression check,135 on all four,the car will start sometimes straight away or will take some turning over and will fire up but not on all cylinders at first and than will idle fine,it will rev as long as i feather the revs up,will just cut all revs and bog down if i open the throttle quickley,car will drive under very light throttle load but will cut out if throttle is floored,also cuts out and will not start sometimes unless i leave it for half hour or tow it up the road,have been thinking the coil is at fault under load and breaking down,dont think it can be a fuel problem as the cut is too severe,anyone have any thing like this before???????????

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