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Gutted all brake pipes need changing!!!!!

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Hi peeps, bought the corrado a couple of months ago now, just gone through its test and failed on every metal brake pipe!!

So guess what im doing this weekend!! Just bought some pipe and flexi's, now to start the quality task of replacing every metal pipe!! both fronts, front to rears and all rear flexi's and rear axle pipes!! Sorry rant over with i just hate doing brake pipes! Hop everyone else is having a better start to the weekend!

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Nasty job, but massively easier if you have access to a ramp!


Only gotta do it once though, if that's any consolation.


It's worth noting that many MOT places will fail a brake line on a slight bit of surface corrosion. I usually sand back any rusty bits and waxoyl it before taking it in. Always passes :D

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I know how you feel mate! I'm doing mine tomorrow! :clap: They were an advisory on the last MOT so thought I'd get them done before I finally lay the car up for the winter....

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Yes tell me about it but they are very bad i have scrubed them back and there well thin!! Like you say once there done thats it!

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had all mine done the other week while getting all the calipers etc replaced. I ended up paying someone else to do it.


I bought a flaring tool (nice one) but never used it, was tempted to sell it on if it would be any use to anyone

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i know its a pain to do but rather find out that way then the other way of finding out SSSSSSSShhhhhhhhTTTTTTTTT no brakes !!!!!!!!

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