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Brundle stays with F1 as it moves to BBC

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lol, nah i mean worse than usual. the amount of times he had to be corrected was starting to get embarrassing.

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"Block-head" as the 'Pundit' god NO!


yeah, Coulthard inflicting his un-aerodynamic bonce on an unsuspecting pit-lane is almost a tragic as watching his single lap qualifying and equally single lap races :)


still, since Brundle's been his manager for so long, I guess they come as a set... although it's a set that in a Panini sticker style I'd be straight out going "Brundle - got, Chin-head - swap" :lol:

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My favourite pairing was James Hunt and Murray Walker . It was such a shock in 1993. I had watched the live race on the Sunday with Hunt and Walker and then switched the radio on at work on monday to here that James Hunt had died suddenly. Never been quite the same since.

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My favourite pairing was James Hunt and Murray Walker . It was such a shock in 1993. I had watched the live race on the Sunday with Hunt and Walker and then switched the radio on at work on monday to here that James Hunt had died suddenly. Never been quite the same since.


.....couldnt agree more, two legends in their own right :notworthy:


Allen is a complete twat, I dont mind brundle but over this year he seemed to get more sensationalist, I prefered his dead pan years previously !!

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Yeah, I'm chuffed to bits that Brundle is coming back to BBC.


I really hope BBC get rid of the boring preamble Steve Ryder and Mark Blundell droning on at each other; replacing it with something interesting!

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I hate Steve Rider and his shakey alcoholic hand. And the way he holds the mic like its about to explode and take his fingers with it. Grip it properly man!

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.....blundell's comments are up there with the worst of them.....the funniest, I reakon BBC should keep him on for the comedy factor !!

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how old is he now?... about 109? by the time he's worked out what a keyboard is and typed "go, go, go!" it'll be the end of the season :tongue:


...and what's all this cock from Bernie about introducing a medals system instead of points, so that only the top 3 finishers score anything and the championship is decided on who has the most golds?? surely non-top 3 teams are just going tell him to poke it???? :cuckoo:

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