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Replacing a VR6 clutch slave cylinder?

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My clutch pedal sometimes doesn't return properly, so I'm gonna try replacing the slave cylinder. Looks easy enough, maybe a bit tricky to get to. Is there anything to look out for? How do you bleed it properly?

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Bleed it just like any slave cylinder, open bleed nipple, pedal down, close nipple, pedal up. Repeat until no air coming out, keeping the master cylinder well filled....

:-) Wouldn't expect it to be hard to fit tbh.

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Depending on the age of your VR6, you might have a strut running from the end of the gearbox to the gearbox mount. You need to remove this first, easy enough. the bolt out the top of the gearbox mount and the 2 bolts horizontally holding it to the gearbox.

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