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Purple Tom

2 speed fan - standard?

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Its been worrying me for a while that my fan only seems to have one speed, and it comes on at about 108 (ish) degrees on the gauge. I thought I'd test to see if the switch is faulty by the normal trick of bridging the wires.


Took the plug off, bridged the wires, and the fast speed was working fine, the slow speed not working at all. Checked continuity at the fan plug, and all had continuity - so checked the female side of the fan plug and there was only two contacts! Which kind of explains why I only have a single speed fan :clap:


Anyway, does anyone know if this is standard on the 2.0 8V? Its obvious to me that it should have a 3 speed fan but I just wondered if anyone knew?


Also, I don't suppose anyone has a working three speed fan they'd like to part with? :)





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Early golfs only had the single speed, so are you saying theres a wire missing? should only be 3 spades on the fan, earth, slow speed, and fast speed

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Sorry, I didn't make myself exactly clear as I got mixed up between my male and female connectors (ooh er)


Anyway, the wiring to the fan has three wires - slow speed, fast speed and earth.


The fan itself only has two spades, and is only switched on when the sender units activates the 'fast speed'.


I think as temporary measure I'll just swap the wires over before they get to the fan plug, so the fan comes on earlier rather than later. Not that its a major problem at this time of year anyway, but for the summer months I'd rather have it coming on sooner.

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