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charger belt tensioner problem

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Hi, i started up the car to move it yesterday and there was a funny squeeking noise coming from the engine and didnt think much about it, i come home today to take the car to get the tracking done the squeeking noise was still there so i thought i best take alot before i went, it turns out that the nut that holds the chargerbelt tensioner in place had come off at some point and the belt was only half on, so i got another nut to put on the end.


The question is: How do i set the tension for the charger belt, also how do you manage to get to the Alan key head on the bolt, the only way i can see is to loosen the engine mounts and jack it up ?


Im so surprized it didnt lose the belt, the only journey the cars done is from England to Ireland which is when i guess it happened , o well im just glad nothing broke :eek: :eek:


On a good note im so pleased the suspension is all sorted so i cant wait to get to drive it properly.


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What engine do you have - if it's a G60 then the charger is tensioned with a spring / damper type arrangement - these need changing every 7 years or so....

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sorry fellas , its a G60 and its got a toothed belt set up, and the tensioner im talking about is a cam belt tensioner, im just not sure how tight to have the belt.


Untill i done a bit more reading on here i thought that was the standard set up. Its a bit hard to get to the bolt because whoever put it in used an Alan-key bolt and you cant get the alan-key in the gap between the car and the bracket the tensioner is on, so i think im going to have to loosen the engine mounts to raise it up high enough to take the bolt out and put a normal one in.


Can anyone please surgest an easyier way ?

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Hi John


Not quite sure what bolt you're talking about but I can say categorically that when the toothed belt drive was installed there was no problem in installing the new bolts with the engine in place, didn't go anywhere near the engine mounts

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