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I just wanted to know and make sure that I don’t have some kind of an illness, as I feel like a school boy with a crush, but not with the fit blonde in class 4c but instead with my Corrado! I actually now enjoy getting outta bed in the mornings and look forward to having to go to work because I get to drive me car. And when I get to work all I can think about all day is what mods I have got lined up for her and logging onto this forum with out the boss catching me. People have noticed at work how considerate I have become which is completely out of character for me as I keep getting up and making people brews, but little do they know that my Corrado is parked right out side of the window next to the coffee machine! I then find myself constantly looking at the car and admiring her beautiful red curves!!!


Please please tell me that I’m not the only one?????

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Sounds just like me at work last year! When the weathers good and my car was spotless I was always going out for a cig to see the sun glinting off my BBS! :lol: :lol:

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Mines stuck in a shed in eleventymillion bits......... :cry:


Snap, only mine's in the garden, garage, living room, dining room, and I think there's some bits in my bedroom too! :roll: :lol:


The number of parts is slowly going down though as they all get bolted back together! :D

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i was like that at my old job, i was the boss so i was always out the back smoking and looking at the car i even cleaned it up once, fitted a k&n and fitted some sounds lol ohh yeah and used to go for regular spins when i was bored lol

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But Henny i bet you still get that feeling even when you look at all the parts and of the days when she was a little minter!


It's worse than that... When I'm sat at home on my PC I can see her in the back garden looking lovely 'cos I can only see the back of her! :roll: :lol: 8)

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I just wanted to know and make sure that I don’t have some kind of an illness, as I feel like a school boy with a crush...



That's perfectly normal...


I've been lusting after a Corrado since about 1995-ish, when I finally got one - I couldn't believe it. I kept having to look out of the window at home to check it was really a Corrado parked on my drive...

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