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Mikey D

Help!! ABS fault VAGCOM communication error

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Ive had an ABS fault with my 16v raddo for the past couple of weeks ive done resistance tests on all of the sensor and they all give the same reading. I decided to get VAGCOM from ebay to sort it out.


When i try to communicate with the ABS ECU it comes up with to many communication errors but it does try and communicate as the ABS light flashes on and off. Has anyone had this and have any idea how to sort it. Ive tried the setup on my other halfs bora and it works fine even though its a different plug.





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Ive had a go at the software again today but with no success.


Im using a latop with xp operating system with 4091us VAGCOM software. When i click on ABS system and VAGCOM try to link with the abs the abs light flashes on and off but then comes up after a few attempts with the communication problem.


Where is this latency setting in windows or on the vagcom software ive gone into the hardware manger in windows but cant find it and in the settings on vagcom there is no reference.


Help please.




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The version of vagcom that i have doesnt have a latency setting in its options. Does anyone have a link to this older version of software?





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Right ive tried the older version of software. Version 311 and still no joy, i cant see a latency option in the option screen. Its till comes up with the same message to many communication errors. When it tries to communicate it comes up with what i can only presume is an address for the abs ecm G71M=-1.


Any ideas please?





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Hi Mikey


The option for the latency is not in the VAG-COM software, rather its in Device Manager in the PC.


Go to Control Panel > System > Click Hardware Tab > Open Device Manager > Expand "Ports (COM & LPT).


You should see the Serial-USB name appear. (Mine is masquerading as COM2). Right Click and select Properties.


In the Advanced section of the Properties window you should see "Latency". Set it to 5.


It worked for me, went straight in.


This was on an eBay lead and VAG-COM 4091us as you had.





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Right ive got VAGCOM working now and its came up with a sensor fault front right. Ive changed the sensor and it still aults the phonic wheel or sensor ring is in ok condition and the wiring resistance seems ok and cleared the fault. But it still comes up with the fault as soon as you start moving :bad-words: .


Any ideas??





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If the fault is not there when the car is stationary, and only appears when the car moves, I would say that the sensors and wiring are fine.


Did you measure the gap between the sensor and the reluctor (slotted) ring? This gap is critical. I've had problems in the past with ABS throwing a wobbly when the gap was incorrect.


IIRC the gap should be 0.8mm, but please check this before you start setting the gap on the car, as it was a long time ago when I last set it up.

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Yup definately abs cage related, or rotor what ever its called :lol: I had this happen to me when i didnt refit the old cages onto the new brake discs. THe light came on and went off when engine was started but you only had to drive 10 meters and the ABS light came on. Check your ABS cages mate.

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