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Wheel alignment.

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So my questions is can you take your lowered car to a garage and have your front/all wheels aligned. The reason i ask is that the other day while driving along some back roads in a 'spirited' way i hit a pot (moon crater) hole. Since then i'm convinced that although the car doesn't pull to either side that when you let go of the steering wheel it seems to gently move ever so slighty. Its more of a gentle left to right movement than a juddering. Now i have slightly dented my wheel, but today i took the car to a place near me and got the wheel checked over, they said everything was ok, i have only dented the lip of the wheel and i got it rebalanced. Just as a precaution i have booked it into a friends garage to have everything checked over next week to make sure i haven't bent or broken anything but he said that he couldn't do the wheel alignment because he wouldn't have the specs as my car is lowered. I'm sure that it is possible as i have searched the issue on here and with steering issues people always recommend wheel alignment. Now i know my car is getting looked at next week but does anybody have any ideas as to why the steering wheel would rock slightly or any things that i should try. It's just annoying me now, i'm probably worrying about nothing but thought i would ask.

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Providing the kit a garage has will fit over your wheels with the wheel size and lowering you have then they should be able to check everything, toe in/out, camber and alignment with the back axle.

Camber is sort of personal preference anyway and providing you can get at least a small amount of negative (IRO 0.5 degrees) on your lowered setup that should be fine.


If you have play in the steering then the obvious things like ball joints, track rod ends, wishbone bushes and steering column bearings/joints can be checked fairly easily, that's just basic MOT stuff really anyway although the MOT will probably allow you far more play than you want ideally to keep the Corrado sharp and responsive.

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Am going to have him look at all the track rod ends and everything just to be safe because it was a bloody big hole i hit, the car is due for the Mot next month but don't want to wait that long, As i say a friend is looking at it. Its his garage, so if he doesn't want to do the tracking i will get it done somewhere else just to be safe then. Just thought i would ask so i don't look like a complete tit if i take it in other places and ask. Thanks for the quick reply :D

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