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Power steering fluid resevoir.

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have looked on the search, but can't find the answer to this particular question.



When the engine is running, should there be power steering fluid pumped through the system? There is definate movement in the resevoir.

I read on here that it should only be on when the steering is moved, otherwise it overpressurises the system and causes leaks (mine is leaking)

Should there be any movement of fluid at all when the engine is on? As far as I can remember it's always been pumped round constantly, regardless of steering or not...

If so, is it just a case of taking the pump off and cleaning it up a bit or will it need a new or recon one?





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Yeah basically - it's mechanically driven (the pump) from the engine but I am not sure if it runs at a constant rate as it's a fairly complicated bit of kit...


There are valves inside so maybe one is sticking causing the over pressure??


Maybe try changing the fluid first if it looks old - should be a transaprent green synthetic oil.

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if the fluid is belting through and swirling about in the reservoir when the steering is not turning, then the pressure relief valve in the pump is stuck, they can be encouraged to work again by removing, cleaning and changing the fluid, the trouble is it will probably happen again and the pressure in the hose that leads directly to the rack will eventually cause leaks in the system, usually where the flexi-hose is crimped to the metal pipes.

It's messy, but worth a go cleaning it before resorting to a new pump (about 140 quid exchange I think)

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