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vr help please

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went out to my car this morning and it just keeps turning over bu not firing where would you start looking???




thanks for any help as i need to get to work asap.



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fuel pump?

fuel pump relay?


magic triangle =





Also, I take it you aren't having any alarm problems? Could be cutting out part of the circuit. Unlikely, but possible

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not alarm problems.


does anyne know which relay is the fuel pump.


pretty sure i can hear it prime tho.



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not alarm problems.


does anyne know which relay is the fuel pump.


pretty sure i can hear it prime tho.




fuel pump is 167 or 67 depending on whether its been changed. Also check 109 the ecu relay. When you test them, keep the power on them continuously, dont pulse them, like i did and it cost me 8 months off the road trying to diagnose everything else.

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check to see that the coilpack casing is not cracked - might be able to seal this with some epoxy. Coilpacks come up for sale quite often, hopefully shopuldnt be too pricey.

Otherwise, strip it down and see if you can repair it - i think there are some pics somewhere on the forum showing just that.

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dont ask me it just turned and turned fitted a second hand pack i had and it fired straight away.


brought a brand new pack now.


but will pull the othe apart out of interest.


thanks again to all

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