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Engine cutting out, won't idle etc

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Had a really irritating problem with my Corrado since I bought it, quite frequently when you dip the clutch while pulling up at a junction the car won't idle, the revs just drop right down until it stalls unless you use the throttle to stop the engine speed going under 700 or so rpm. Also had a jerky throttle which was particularly irritating. I had the idle control valve cleaned out which sorted the problem for a couple of weeks, though now the problem has come back. Not as bad, but still stupidly irritating. Any suggestions on how to kill this problem? It's a 2.0 16v.



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Hi mate.

A very frequently asked problem for VW's.

Have a go onnthe search feature and then come back and ask if you are still confused or have something more specific to ask.


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Sorry should have done a quick search first, was a bit short on time earlier so thought I'd just try a quick post. A lot of people posted about cleaning out the 'Idle Stabilisation valve' as a solution, am I to assume that this is just another name for the Idle control valve? As mentioned I had that cleaned out and that did for a time stop the problem, and now its come back it's not quite as bad. Would it be a fair assumption that as it improved but didn't completely solve the problem, that it would be worth having a new idle control valve put in?

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