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A Pain in the bollards

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I was confronted by a fook off lorry in Weybridge station car park today, as were a bunch of other cars. We all reversed, but me with my low slung driving position and seasonal fogged up rear screen didnt see that I was reversing into a bollard - ouch!


Nedless to say, I let out a loud exclamation of frustration with myself, for both the damage, and for being a crap reverser. I am fine in my golf, but have no ability whatsoever in my Corrado.


One of these days I'll be as good as my dad at reversing, and then I'll be a real man!

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Well from what I can see it's not too bad as I was going fairly slow, and I was glad I hadn't knocked over a line of hells angels motorcycles, like you see in the films, but the bumper has needed a bit of work since I bought the car, so this may force me along to see a body shop and get it all sorted. White rados look dreadful with scuffs and bumps!

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ahhh we have all done it luckly for me i had just pased my test

i reversed my polished terd renault 5 into a lamp post glad i was only 17 at the time !

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I am fine in my golf, but have no ability whatsoever in my Corrado.


I feel your pain. I find visibility pretty poor in a Rado tbh. I crashed my old white G60 into my own wall one morning whilst I was half asleep pulling out of our drive. :( :lol: With my new Rado I'm so careful when parking or reversing I drive my girlfriend insane. :lol:

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I have no idea where the back of my Corrado is, I always think I'm mega close to the car behind, but when I get out to look its about 4 feet! I also park about a foot from the kerb, but as I live in a cul-de-sac its not a problem with my car sticking out into the road. Taxi to the pavement madam?

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im the same, i cant judge the back of my corrado like i have been able to with most others cars i have owned. i swear the angle of the rear screen makes everything look closer!

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i swear the angle of the rear screen makes everything look closer!


got to agree with that, parking's always tight at my place, it seems like your about to drive over the car behind when reversing but there's still a good bit of space between them.

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I did this in my Mk3 polo when I was a bit younger, so feel your pain too.


Strangely, I find my Corrado so much easier to judge and park than my company focus! That thing is both enormous AND impossible!

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