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16V running like a dog!! HELP Pleeease!!

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Right guys a quick question for anyone who could maybe help.


I own a 1994 2.0litre 16V and has been running like a jem since ive had it. Recently, its been driving fine and then it starts to choke and splutter as if theres no petrol being injected. The rev counter starts going mad and when i put my foot on the accelerator it backfires and generally sounds like a tractor struggling to stay alive..... and will eventually cut out.


Sometimes i can start it again and it will run fine for a while and then do it again (sometimes takes a while). Other times it may now start at all for a good hour or so. If I bump start the car it springs back into life. Its baffled me!


I have changed the simple stuff.....spark plugs, distributor, rotor arm, fuel filter thinking the problem may be simple. It did the trick for 4-5 days before today playing up again. It is a real mystery and I am gasping to get to the bottom of it. Before i go mad and end up spending loads can anyone suggest what this may be???? Would be greatly appreciated!


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Sounds very much like hall sender breakdown / failure but you say you have changed the Distributer? (or did you mean just the cap?)


Worth getting a new set of leads too maybe?

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if it improved for a while after changing the fuel filter I'd check the bottom of the tank for glubules of water, it's possible the new filter held back some contamination for a while.

does your main fuel pump under the car sound excessively noisy or vary in pitch, like a warble up and down?

I'd also pop off the metering head rubber boot (above the air plate) and gently pull up the air plate to make sure it's smooth in movement.

Just a few things to eliminate anyway :)

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Welcome to the forum...


Sounds very much like hall sender breakdown / failure but you say you have changed the Distributer? (or did you mean just the cap?)


Worth getting a new set of leads too maybe?


Cheers mate. Ime sure the forum will be of great use in the future.


I did make a mistake, I meant to say distributor cap but clearly didnt. Ime gonna have a go at testing the distributor tomorrow to see if this is where the problem lies. I'll probs just get some new leads aswell just for piece of mind. If ime honest I was planning on but serious lack of money at the moment.


Ill let u know how i get on. Cheers for your help

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if it improved for a while after changing the fuel filter I'd check the bottom of the tank for glubules of water, it's possible the new filter held back some contamination for a while.

does your main fuel pump under the car sound excessively noisy or vary in pitch, like a warble up and down?

I'd also pop off the metering head rubber boot (above the air plate) and gently pull up the air plate to make sure it's smooth in movement.

Just a few things to eliminate anyway :)


There are no unusual noises comming from the fuel pump. Everything sounds alrite there.

I am gonna get onto checking that air plate to see if its moving freely. And like u said, even if its not its something to eliminate.


Thanks for your help mate :D

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All sorted :D It was the hall sender that was causing the problem. Changed the distributor and it seems to be fine now.

Cheers for your help :cheers:

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