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my zorst...

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I have a full S/S exhaust system that came with the car. It has started blowing alot recently so had a look to see.




seems its blowing from the cat-blank which is also built like a flex pipe as in its woven rather than a straight pipe. Could i just replace the blank with a pipe or do I have to replace like for like?


Sounds like a tractor!!! :camp:

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Normally de-cats are just straight pipe. Should be a flexi joint on the downpipe end as the system does need a little movement.

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theres a flew joint on the downpipe yeh....i couldnt work out why they would use this over a metal pipe :cuckoo:

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I'd consider taking it to a zaust specialist for them to have a look.

They might think that it is a good idea to replace it with another section that has flexibility in it.

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gota cut those clamps off first! tried to get em off today but those nuts werent shifting for shit! haha

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