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Got a shock the other day which I thought I'd share.


My VR6 is stored up just now as I've been away working and not had time to sort her out.


Well, thought I'd take it for a run since I was home and it was a nice day. Did the usual for when she's been sitting a while and popped the bonnet to check oil water etc and got a small surprise!


My usual 190ish horse power had been joined by an extra 8 or 9 mouse power as well!! Yes, a small nest of mice was living in the scuttle area! They had crawled up the arch liner and through the drain in the side. Thankfully they had made the nest out of a combination of my wifes horse rugs and the foam sound deadening under the bonnet and not any tasty ECU cables!


I was all for putting the pressure washer on the little buggers but my wife convince me to save them which proved a fun task! I had to push the car outside and start chasing the little blighters with anything to hand (Vacuum hosing is just the job for this in case anyone else has this problem!)


My Rado is now thankfully mouse free and I managed to save all but one. He suffer a little acident, I obivously missed him and he made his own way out... while I was doing motorway speeds!! :?

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They can be a real problem - I had a few living in my car last winter, and yes I mean 'in' the car, as in 'inside'. First I knew of it was a small pile of nuts in the boot which they were storing there :lol: . Took my about a week to catch them all - 3 in total. Thankfully they have not been back again.


One thing I was told though - they home and you need to take them a good distance away (like a couple of miles) otherwise they come back....

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Fecking mice.


Just pressure wash the feckers. :bad-words:


Until you have had a mouse problem you have no idea what a complete pain in the bum they are.


I would stick some poison down next time you lay her up for a while Paul.

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almost as good as hamsters in your trumpets :lol:


Ooo-err ... Feels like we are revisiting the Carry On films now.... Classy.

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almost as good as hamsters in your trumpets :lol:


Is that Richard Gere's car?

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Mice. It could be worse. I once bought a car that a dog had been living in. A wet dog at that. The hairs, the smell, so over powering. Made me want to :pukeleft: each time I opened the door.

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...One thing I was told though - they home and you need to take them a good distance away (like a couple of miles) otherwise they come back....


Very Fawlty Towers! "Oh I see, he's a homing rat is he!"


Well at least my paranoia is justified! Everytime I go out to the garage I open the bonnet to take a peak just in case the little buggers have snuck back in... maybe I can keep a cat under there.... :norty:

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You are very lucky!

We had a almost new Audi A4 convertible in at work and mice had caused £1000's of damage under the bonnet chewing on things!!!

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maybe I can keep a cat under there.... :norty:


And here's me paying for a de cat!


They say you can't polish a turd...


But you can sprinkle glitter on it!


I'm here all night.

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