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In a grumpy mood ignor me! lol

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Well it hasnt really been long but i've been doing some thinking and although it'll be a lovely car when its done i'm not sure i can be arsed with the r32 project anymore...


the sensible head has come on with avengance and i cant help thinking i'm just burning money with this project! i'm looking into another german company's 3.2 engined cars and they look so much more refined and equally as cool, i know they'll cost twice as much than this car has cost when i'm done but at this rate i may well end up doing the corrado just to sell it :(


Wonder what the going rate for r32 4x4 rados is! :scratch:

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surely it would have been better to think that before ripping the guts out of your car 3 weeks ago?!!

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yeah i dont know just a melencholy day really - still wanna finish it. Not getting proper cold feet - its still someething i really wanna do for the fun of it but thats probably what apeals more - building a factory feelign car by hand!


But i think i'm swaying more to the fact that i dont really wanna be driving a corrado anymore (runs and hides for cover! lol)


not m3 but something with the same engine 8)

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Lol. Yeah, everyone gets like this. I've had a VR sat looking miserable for 15 months now. Done possibly 2 days work on it.

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z3 m?


I think its all about enjoying the corado for what it is, if you want something much faster then get another car :)

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to be fair i was really looking forward to seeing it being done (and you promised it for edition remember?!) - i was hoping you'd at least finish it before losing interest so i could buy it on the cheap all finished ;)


would you fit in a Z3M?!

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Andy step away from the propellor badge! :epicfail:


Know you had some "rough" VW times recently mate...


Some-one take him out in a VR and spark his interest again Please... If Kev's about he could just take Andy out and scare the shite out of him! :lol:

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to be fair i was really looking forward to seeing it being done (and you promised it for edition remember?!) - i was hoping you'd at least finish it before losing interest so i could buy it on the cheap all finished ;)


would you fit in a Z3M?!


It will be at edition this year!


thats my goal anyway


yep - dont know if its credit crunch or what but considdering the new price they are reasonable now and alot of car for the money


but tbh its all based on wether or not i fit! - i'm gonna try and pop up to a dealer close to me that has one in stock to see if i like it, fit in it and ultimately if its that quick compared


it has woke me up to the fact i houldnt be fitting a cage and ditching all the seats though as i wont be the only one who'll drive this car - the next owner will!

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Whoa another bail out! This time big styleee.


Personally I think you're probably doing the right thing by binning off the R32, they just seem more trouble than they're worth. Just get an FI 12v instead! Old skool is best. :D 8) But it sounds like you'll finish it then sell it, which seems a bit silly to me. Why put in all the effort for someone else?


Kinda thinking the same thing about another car too, but can't think of what I could afford for the smile factor...thoughI 'd probably write off a powerful RWD really quickly the first time oversteer caught me out! :eek:

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rough times with vw?


passat since xmas


front multilink suspension arms



tensioners and pulleys



steering rack

pas pump


thats all i can remember for know!


The Vr was fun but i cant remember the last time it worked as i wanted it too either! - hence looking at a newer car

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no like i said i dont wanna give up - the fun is in the buiding and who knows it might be fantastic to drive compared to other newer cars and i might wanna keep it but i sure as hell wanna finish it and find out!


like the new title says : In a grumpy mood ignor me! lol

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Your in the same preciciment as i was, i also did not want to be driving a Corrado anymore but i do still love it hence why i still have it and plan to just make it a proper hardcore car for whatever really, its a toy basically not a car now.


So i got the TT, nice and sensible 180 not the 225, best thing i did, basically removed alot of stress from the home life.

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Forum history has shown that most people lose the will to live once they start on a Corrado project :lol:


Get the Z3M Coupe and enjoy yourself, what a beast of a car. Pig ugly, but in a cool retro way :D


Thoroughly research them though because they can bankrupt you far more than your Corrado ever would!

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Afraid im another one, bought a corrado without t&t or MOT and an engine in bits for the conversion for a good price, its 100% standard and a minter and i bought an audi 3.2 engine but decided i just want to drive it rather than mess about so its on hold to rebuild the VR and im still deciding whether to sell the lot and pick it back up once i've got interest in it again.

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grumpy moods and corrados just go together :(


and i understand what you saying just to well Andy, and yeh all the work/hassle you will be putting upon yourself when you can go out and buy an audi a3 3.2 quattro for not alot of money for what your getting.


karl, ex r32 wannabe

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i think the worst thing you can do is have your car off the road for too long as its easy for the motivation to lapse! Been there my self :cuckoo:

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yea i think its just that time of the year, winter without a corrado is not too bad and its crap weather, crap roads and no fun. summer without one is murder, soo much fun and everytime i get overtaken by some chav whilst im in my little 1.3 i think "if only i was in my corrado"


I think the best bet for people wanting to do a conversion is to buy everything before they start the conversion and just blitz the full thing in one week. buy a spare VR loom to get converted etc.

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Ah but it's a little thing called "Soul"


Kept me into Dubs for nigh on 17 years now! :luvlove:


Andy as I said you're doing "Mega-miles" in a seriously slammed estate, of course stuff's going to break on the daily, all the suspension and steering is working at it's full desgined travel limit (or probably past it) so things will wear quicker... Simple solution is to just pop it up a bit and take the stress off the componants, or fit air!


My dailies have never been "Cool" just simple mods to make them better wihout scarificing reliability too much!


Been and done the 2" clearance daily (in a 30yr old car!) was too damn stressful! So I bought a Sky-Rocket and only did small mods to it... Lowered 30mm, cross braced, G60BBS etc.. nothing mad to affect reliability...

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everytime i get overtaken by some chav whilst im in my little 1.3 i think "if only i was in my corrado"




I think the best bet for people wanting to do a conversion is to buy everything before they start the conversion and just blitz the full thing in one week.


And big massive Yep on that

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Ah but it's a little thing called "Soul"


Kept me into Dubs for nigh on 17 years now! :luvlove:


Andy as I said you're doing "Mega-miles" in a seriously slammed estate, of course stuff's going to break on the daily, all the suspension and steering is working at it's full desgined travel limit (or probably past it) so things will wear quicker... Simple solution is to just pop it up a bit and take the stress off the componants, or fit air!


My dailies have never been "Cool" just simple mods to make them better wihout scarificing reliability too much!


Been and done the 2" clearance daily (in a 30yr old car!) was too damn stressful! So I bought a Sky-Rocket and only did small mods to it... Lowered 30mm, cross braced, G60BBS etc.. nothing mad to affect reliability...


not raising it. Although i am considdering selling it and putting it back to standard, purely cos i'll make more moeny out of the bits than i would as a complete car!


z3m will be towards the end of summer probably, its all hinged on what the job situation is like at the end of the year and if there's an work available for the next.


like i said i was/am in a grumpy mood this week and the passat failing on wednesday was the final nail in the coffin.


I am aware of bmw prices and their labour and process costs make vw look like the aldi of the supermarket world.... but the car looks really cool! :lol:

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