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nugget Rado in Stockport area on fire.....

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.... hope it's no one off here.


from a GTI site I use.

just passed a canary yellow corrado on fire on my way home tonight...:sad:


Stockports finest were out trying to stop it smoking still when i passed. couldn't grab any pics but its not anyone off here i take it??



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rado-steve's not from up that way is he..?




Ah no.. he's up north.. not near Stockport tho!

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Might have to start taking a register each morning to make sure we're all accounted for.

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Might have to start taking a register each morning to make sure we're all accounted for.



You'll all be glad to know that I'm Still here! :wave:

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all present and correct sir! well it was as of sunday. havent seen the corrado since then lol

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rado-steve's not from up that way is he..?




Ah no.. he's up north.. not near Stockport tho!


Aye Oop North for me! Just checked my garage and it's still there :grin:


Another Nugget bites the dust :cry: A Sad Day, can't be many left now :(

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I have often thought about setting mine on fire to break the huge financial strain, its like the CSA, constantly having to pay out for the upkeep for 1 drive a week.

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mine costs me a fortune but not in repairs (touch wood) just in mods... and its a daily... still, if it has problems i dont mind paying for my lil baby!! my next door neighbour as an alfa romeo, £700 just for a service!!! corrados are cheap for the performace and joy they bring to us all!!!


also; imagine how much porsche would charge to fix a faulty spoiler!! i will never get rid of my corrado or dream of setting it on fire... (unless the world run out of petrol haha)

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I was recently replacing the twirly bit of clutch pipe that had almost rusted away in my VR6. I put a rag under the master cylinder to catch clutch fluid drips. Got the job finished, everything tightened and leak free etc. Drove the car round the car park of my friend's industrial unit where I was doing the work. It all seemed fine. Cool, I thought... job done.


So I drove the 5 miles home at 1am pace, parked up and got out the car. Funny smell, I thought. Hmm, that looks like smoke from under the bonnet. CRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPP. So I open the bonnet and there is smoke pouring out from around the exhaust manifold. Bricking it, I run into the house and fill a pan of water, run out again and pour it on the area the smoke is coming from. Then it twigs. I didn't take the clutch fluid catching rag out of the engine bay. Rubbish. So I fish out this decade old piece of cloth which is soaked in every kind of oil and grease known to man. It has a nice little black hole smoldering in it. What a relief. If it had caught actual proper fire or I hadn't noticed the smoke... argh.


Then I had a sleepless night worrying about the effects of pouring cold water on a very hot exhaust manifold. It started the next morning fine though, with no blowing. Phew. Obvious moral of the story: DON'T LEAVE THINGS IN YOUR ENGINE BAY THAT DON'T BELONG THERE.

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wow, lucky hey!! happens to the best of us!! wonder if something similar happened to that other poor rado???

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I changed my grill the other day but in a rush due the sun dissapearing on the horizon, a few day later and i wondered, where did i put my old grill??? searched everywhere and presumed id thrown it away not thinking. Then last saurday i went to check on the oil & water etc and there you go, my old grill sat ontop of my mani!!!! no damage to the old grill tho thankfully.

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Only had 2 spliffs, they help when the damn 18 year old screws refuse to turn and then lose thier thread. bullnose plyers worked a treat.

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fair play!! must of been some good weed haha... does happen though, at least there werent any melted plastic or damage ;)

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