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rado mc

Clutch pedal cable replacement?!

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Hi, the cable which is attached to the clutch pedal has snapped right at the pedal on my 1.8 16v.


It just went with clunk/ping as i started putting my foot down on the pedal to change gear, the pedal instantly disappeared from under my foot and stuck down under the dash leaving me in 2nd.


On closer inspection the pedal can be moved from pinned fully down to fully up but nothing inbetween.

First thought was clutch cable gone, but as i now know that bits hydraulic so (i don't know why i did this bit first) i've looked it over and it seems in order. The problem i'm having is with the bit from the actual pedal to where ever it goes through the bulkhead. i just can't see where it is at all engine side and i'm stuck. Is this a DIY? ££? Has anyone else had this bother, hints tips much appreciated? or is it my Rado's just special :roll:

Thanks in advance


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Probably a knackered slave or master cylinder, is there brake fluid dripping off the bottom of the gearbox? The master cylinder is below and to the right of the brake master cylinder with a pipe running from the brake fluid resevoir to it.

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cheers for aid of location, got it unbolted. like i said it was working fine until it went. the break is on the cable/rod that comes from the slave too the pedal and its just snapped right off.

Look's like its all one part and when contacting various suppliers say they don't stock that part anymore nor can get hold of one as its pre 92 on a H before they must have been redesigned :(

Looks like its trip to the scrappy for a spare one then.

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