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repair heater controls, help im cold!

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I have broken my controls for sure, I would like to get them fixed is this possible? firstly I cant get them from the centre console which doesnt help, Is anybody up for having a go mending mine? or selling me some cheap ones. They all seem to get snapped up quickly on the breaking cars

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They're easy enough to fix - what's the problem with removing them/repairing yourself?

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i cant get them from the car :lol: how do you get the cables off it?

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unscrew the four screws after taking off the fascia plate, and push the left side of the heater box into the dash..this should mean that the other side will now be loose and free to pop out from behind the tabs. it is a bit of a squeeze, but should work. the cables will pop off the ends of the metal arms, maybe with the help of a screwdriver.

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in a word, yes.


in many words, its a complete fekking nightmare! making sure everything works, that the cables are still on the ends of the tabs, that you have not pulled on them as you put it back in opening up some vents, and then trying to get the control box back in the dash without anything falling off..... :brickwall:


oh yeah and getting the cables off without snapping the holding tabs is very hard indeed. i was really careful and still ended up snapping one.

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also make sure that you keep the rotary dials in the correct order,as although they will fit each other they won't rotate to the same degrees(pardon the pun)

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still cant do it. whats the method for getting the springy loaded bits out, the electric wires are easy but the 3 metal control bit I dont know what parts to move before I brake something.. :help:

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do you mean the bendy metal tabs that hold the cables onto the box?


they will lever off from the bottom iirc, but be gentle.

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the bit on the right has to come off first, just lever it upwards from under neath, its just a metal clip, iirc it takes some force toget off

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I got it out :clap: :clap: .. now I got to find out the problem..Its something to do with the 4 speed switch, any ideas? I have changed the thermo fuse and the blower motor also so far. I turned the switch through 360 degrees, what bit could be broke? ta

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Check the connections on the back of the dial to see if contact is being made at al 4 stages. Mine works on 3 and 4, sometimes 2 and never 1, but i can't be arsed to take it out again!

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looking at it, the cooper appears bent, but I could see that when it was in the car, whoops. try and get a pic up

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looks like the cooper is bent, but im not sure if this is the problem, I could see this when it was in the car :lol:

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Looks like the bent copper is the problem (sorry officer).


That was the problem with mine a while ago. I messed about with it so much that I snapped it the end :( Managed to get a replacement from the scrappies. It took ages to get it set so that there was a good contact on all 4 settings. IIRC you also need to be remember which dial goes on which position because although they look the same there is a subtle difference :?

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hmm still cant get nout to work.1 fuse is ok, blower motor I took from my other rado, early interior (would this make a difference?) but it was working. I think I will try to put my old motor in with the thermal fuse fitted. and go from there, the blower wires may differ some how. What else could it be

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