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very strange??

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right here we go, i have had a problem with the clocks and temp sensors latley and now my oil light has started to flash even though i have loads of oil :confused4:


so.....i got a new speedo senoser from t.p.s, and that sorted the speedo out for about 2 weeks and know all of a sudden the old problem is back, it just dies on the clock, im going along reading 0mph!? could this be a case of faulty clocks?? the speedo pinion that screws into the gearbox is fine, in grittyness or dirt located on it. just seems abit odd?!


and i have changed the yellow sensor (heat/clock sensor) but the light is still flashing and there is no movment on the heat gauge on the clock?! :scratch:


my damn clocks are one big flashing disco scene and its getting quite annoying! can anyone give me any pointers, diagrams etc, anything to help me out!!!! ????? :scratch: :confused4: :bad-words: :pale: :scratch:

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the oil light flashing means no oil pressure i think not that you have no oil

best check that out !!


:eek: i will check straight away! nice one, know anything of the above as well?? lol!

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the oil light flashing means no oil pressure i think not that you have no oil

best check that out !!


Surely too little oil would mean less pressure wouldnt it? :shrug:

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ahh sorry :oops:


yes its just like the beetle one's if it dont stop flashing and go out theres no oil pressure / or no oil

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my rev counter does a similar thing - ie engine is running fine & the rev counter needle just dies, then it bounces around for a while & at some point it gets normal life again

however the speedo & all other dials etc remain fine

i have wondered if it is a loose wiring connection somewhere behind the dash clocks, as it does sometimes relate with the odd harsh bump/pothole [bloody UK roads grrrrrrr], but ive not been brave enough to start pulling the dash out lol

not sure if this helps but might give you an idea maybe :)

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so.....i got a new speedo senoser from t.p.s, and that sorted the speedo out for about 2 weeks and know all of a sudden the old problem is back, it just dies on the clock, im going along reading 0mph!? could this be a case of faulty clocks?? the speedo pinion that screws into the gearbox is fine, in grittyness or dirt located on it. just seems abit odd?!



I had the same trouble with my speedo, swapping the pick up at gear box would fix it for a few hundred miles then back to nothing or random readings, turned out the loom to the clocks from the fuses box was complelty toasted all the way up its lenght, this could also be the pil light problem too

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