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g0ldf1ng3r last won the day on January 15

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About g0ldf1ng3r

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  1. i dont know who to contact anymore about issues i have tried toby several times but not had any reply - im kind of lost on how to get this place back to some kind of normal functionality
  2. heads up all - looms are ready & tested & can be sent out once the balance has been received by the maker 🙂
  3. hi everyone sorry for the delay & lack of update, december is my busiest period at work the maker has emailed & apologised but said he plans for all looms to be ready by 14th jan could everyone pls send the £55 balance to the same paypal address & by F&F pls i will send out PM's & emails tomorrow when i have more time
  4. hi everyone ive had an update from the maker, copied below: This job is a nightmare. Came back for 5 days and now it’ll be at least 10. What a mess. So this will unfortunately push back the date of delivery for looms. I have all the gear now and the cables are cut to size so that will give me a head start. They will be done before Christmas but I understand that folk might want to pay after. Let’s see how it goes.
  5. i bet the front seats are up for almost that too....or they brought the car just for the seats
  6. ok - No more looms - thank you pls parts have been ordered & hoping to have progress in next few weeks i will update as soon as i get any from the maker
  7. Hellp goldfing3r 

    Am i reading this correctly the supplier is making 10 but only 9 has had the deposit paid

    Could i possibly have the 10th one if the original buyer does not pay the deposit


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ger040


      Gerard O;Neill

      5 Queensway Park


      Belfast BT17 9HP

      Email [email protected]


    3. ger040


      Hello Zak


      Deposit paid


    4. g0ldf1ng3r


      brilliant & thank you for being so prompt


  8. quick update 9 out of 10 deposits received & loom maker is ordering the parts for all 10 hopefully, work commitments the only caveat, he is aiming to have them ready by end of Nov 🙂
  9. everyone is in except 3 people now PM's sent out to those pending
  10. sorry - i hadnt checked the thread thank you
  11. blimey, now thats a user name ive not seen for a while! did you keep track of your old green one? ended in PPP IIRC
  12. quick note to say i have sent emails out to all those with deposit pending hopefully we can get them all in & get it to production asap
  13. thanks to those who have sent deposits i will send emails out to those pending as they may not have logged on recently
  14. list update: philipc - PM received oneohtwo - PM received jared_nomak - PM received chrisL - PM received gixervr6 - PM received ratharrison - PM received nick cagelondon - PM received monkeyman - PM received andyzplace - PM received jjthompson - PM received tallpaul1977 - PM received joehunter - PM sent 30/07/24 mark.mccourt - PM sent 30/07/24 [email protected] - PM sent 30/07/24 ok everyone - still nothing from the 3 pending so im going to close the buy today (weds) ive had an email from the maker & have just replied. hopefully if everyone can be prompt with their deposits they could be ready Nov (work commitments popping up are the only caveat) deposits are £35 which he has said would be refundable if any issues occur if you could pls send them to [email protected] & put a ref of Loom & your name i will send him the list of contact info so as he can cross reference the payments i'll give it till friday &then drop emails out in case people havent logged on to here
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