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advise needed fitting water temp sensor

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hi, i have just bought a water temp guage (autoguage) and im not shure were to put the sender, i have been looking for an inline housing for it but to no avail.



what i think i need is what i have highlited in the pic below in yelow to make the thread fit the old guage housing - any ideas were to get these things? manny thanks guys x




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I've never put one in a Corrado but on a previous car I used a T piece where the original sensor was located and used one branch for the original fitment and the other for the replacement guage. Kept getting asked why I had two water temp guages though.

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can i jsut link it up to the old sender from the previous guage (bering in mind ones "tim" and ones "auto gauge") its already in there and through the dash? also were would i get this "t" piece?

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You won't find this helpful, but as for using the original sender, I don't really know, have a look at the specs and if the voltages are within spec it "May" work. I got the T piece as part of the kit which included two brackets for alternative fittings, screws, nut's and bolts and said T piece. Mind you it was about 15 years ago. You could try motor factors and if they don't have anything ask them where you could get them. Perhaps someone on here would know. It shouldn't take long on this forum

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right, i give up (thanks for the help though) can i go to a garage and say - can you fit this for me ? and how much would they charge?




edit - i have it wired up but it says use "twin conductave wire" what the heck is that ? can i use house cables? or is it heat related?

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I’ve had a look at the picture in your first post.


The bit you’ve highlighted looks like an adaptor for the sensor in case the take off on the engine is a larger size. You screw the Adaptor in to the hole and then the sensor into the adaptor.


I had a little google for twin conductive wire but ended up in a maze. From the looks of the picture all it is is two strands of wire, one red one black so I assume any automotive wiring would suffice


You say you have it wired up, does it work?


I suppose the cost would depend on the hourly labour charge of the place you take it to.


I take it the instructions, if any are pretty vague. You could also go back to where you purchased it and ask for help with it.


Best of


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thanks matey, yep ive been to all kind of car/plumbing shops looking for somthing that will adapt it but ive desided to put it into formula one in brighton to do it properly, shouldnt take them 2 long as all they have do do is wire it up (with proper wires) and find an adapter.


had it whired up but not to the car :p

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Glad to have of somewhat limited assistance. What you have to do now is make up reasons for having two temp gauges! :)

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How come you need a water temp sensor? What's wrong with the one on your dash?

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How come you need a water temp sensor? What's wrong with the one on your dash?


hasn,t worked sinse i got her, gooing to have to look into that too i think lol.

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