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Strange exhuast vibrating or popping sound....

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.....when the air box snorkel removed.



I'v noticed a funny noise coming from the exhuast when accelerating.


When I put the snorkel back in the air box earlyer it didnt make any noise, but when I took it out it makes this noise (has been making the noise sinse the exhuast was fitted but didnt think anything of it)


Its a strange popping/vibrating/resonating sort of sound. it only happens underload in first and second gear but only at low to mid point of the rev range


Not shore if its back fireing or metal on metal vibration


Just wondering if any one could shed some light on it :shrug:

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Crazy suggestion .... why not just put it back in and stop worrying about it?

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Crazy suggestion .... why not just put it back in and stop worrying about it?


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Ya Im going to do that, but I do love the intake growl :(


Just have to make the exhuast louder :grin:


Was just wondering if any one had any suggestions as to why.

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I wouldnt have thought the snorkel would have had that much affect on the exhaust?? :shrug:


I cant work it out either, im going to put it back in, i a bit and see how much difference it makes.


But yesterday I put it in so I could just hear the exhuast and i didnt notice it then when i took it out I could.



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Right just put the snorkel back in and went for a drive.


The noise is still there but only slightly.


Had a look under the car whilst the engine was running but cant see any were it could be vibrating from :scratch:

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Cat heat shield often comes loose and makes that kind of noise. Have a close look if you can get underneath- it's worth taking off and won't affect anything if you do.

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I've just had a look and the heat shield on the cat is solid but what looks like heat shielding between the first silencer and the bottom of the car is loose. but it doesnt seam solid enough to make the sort of noise im getting

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what about ignition timing,fueling etc.....does the engine pink?


Whats that mean?


But the engine feels fine and i havent noticed any change in the way it behaves

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I dont think its that


its more of a vibration than a knocking sound, but what are the tell tail signs of this?


But the noise is coming from behind me thats why i dont htink its to do with the engine.

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it seams to be in the region of the exhuast round about were the second silencer is not at the end of the tail pipe.


I know the second silencer bangs against the floor of the car if i go over a big bump and its a simaler sound but more vibrating than banging. (if you get what i mean)

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The silencer was replaced a few weeks before i got the car and the owner said it bangs against the floor of the car but only when i go over bumps. But there is a big gap between the two.


Doesnt happen when im stationany and rev it and its all ways around 2.5K rpm range :shrug:


I dont know , thanks any way.


Might pop it down to the garage next to my misses to chek the timing

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Just realised i have this same sound. Its not loud and it only does it when setting off. Once going it doesnt happen. It def sounds like the CAT heat shield though.

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Just realised i have this same sound. Its not loud and it only does it when setting off. Once going it doesnt happen. It def sounds like the CAT heat shield though.




Ya preaty much the same, but mine is rather loud but only when pulling off or underload going up a hill.


What would you reconmend to fix it, tighten the heat shield up or take it off ?

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Doesnt happen with me going up a hill, just when setting off. Its not an obvious sound. Just remove the heat sheild and see if it goes. My heat sheild is knacked anyway :lol: where the tabs are welded to the cat are broken and only the bolt on the other end are holding it on.

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Right ok I will have a good some poitn this week


Is it just a simple unbolting job?

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Had a look under the car today and the heat shield for the cat is well and truly stuck on so i dont think its that.



When i take i to longlife next will get them to look at it as I'm starting to think its the center scilencer rattling agains the rear beam.

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