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Would a dodgy brake comp. cause increased brake travel?

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'bout it really. Can hear the brake compensator valve 'squeek' when release the brakes, but both the mOT man and the local garage have commented on the increased brake pedal travel on my rado (90 to91 16v). Would the brake comp. valve be a culprit? The brakes actually work fine, aside from the pedal travel, passed MOT yesterday.


ta in advance.

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It can yeah but if you can here it squeek and it just passed an MOT then it must be working as must the rear calipers I would hope!


As above when was the fluid last changed?

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I had a mk2 with a fubar'd compensator and you had to double pump the pedal to get any feel, very dodgy. And there was LOTS of travel! There were no external leaks, but it was obviously just allowing all the pressure to the rears... Fixed it and the brakes were great.


Obv. as above check the simple stuff first, but if everything else is in order it's probably the next port of call...

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Cheers people, yep, rear brakes were done reasonably recently. If memory serves, I think I did the bleeding with the weight off the rear wheels, so yep, will do as you suggest and give it a thorough weight-on-wheels bleed first and go from there. I have done a visual on the rear disks to confirm the rears are actually working (i.e. all surface rust on the discs gone/clean after a quick trip), and it's all good fromgettign good braking figures at MOT aspect. Ta again.

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You can just bleed with someone holding the comp valve or cable tie it - should need hardly any pressure at all to move it...


Let me know if you want a new Master Cylinder - I have a brand new VAG one if needed.

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