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lil b

2.0 vs 1.8

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hi im loking at buying a carrado at the moment but my budget isnt very big (£1500) alot of 1.8 16v about for the price but not very many 2. liters ... ive test drove a 2. and from the short journey i could tell i would love the torque of it compared to my mk1 16v clio .but as i said there isnt many about so was wondering if anyone has had both 1.8 and 2.0 and is there much difference between them ?????



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my advice would be to look for the best condition car, put the engine choice to one side, the 1.8 and 2.0 both have their pros and cons, you've got the complication of emissions controls on the 2.0 but gain ABS and the later exterior and interior (there are a few changeover 2L cars with early interiors) on the 2L.

Generally the later 2L cars will have more solid bodies, but at all of their ages it comes down more to individual vehicles.

As standard cars, the 2L has better mid range torque but the 1.8 revs higher and pulls for longer, the result being they are roughly the same flat out, the 1.8 needing a few more gear changes in general driving.

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