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Vick N

Gear change issues...

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Evening all,


I am having some issues with my Vr6 gearbox which are minor but getting annoying and your help would be greatly appreciated :)


I hope this makes sense... lol


When driving the car around town, just taking it easy, it seems to go though the gears ok, maybe slightly notchy but without too much work. Whenever I try to go into reverse it has to crunch, tried doing it slow and fast, pressed the pedal a few times and makes no difference. Then... When I drive the car enthusiastically, it throws it's dummies out the pram and doesn't want to go into gear. I.E. Going from 2nd to 3rd, I have to dip the clutch for a couple seconds before it even goes in otherwise it crunches as if the clutch isn;t pressed, so changing gears quickly is not a option most o the time.


I have thought about changing the Gearbox oil soon but would like to know what could remedy this as it's spoiling the fun of my car right now :(


Thanks for reading...


Vick :D

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might be needing a slight adjustment at of teh cables gearbox side. I've just spent about 2 hours sorting mine out - i didnt have reverse and first and second were terribly crunchy. Now OK, but its slow and time consuming and afaik there's no short cut to the adjustment. Oh, and you'll need a helper to change the gears while you make adjustments.

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might be needing a slight adjustment at of teh cables gearbox side. I've just spent about 2 hours sorting mine out - i didnt have reverse and first and second were terribly crunchy. Now OK, but its slow and time consuming and afaik there's no short cut to the adjustment. Oh, and you'll need a helper to change the gears while you make adjustments.


How do I make the adjustment dude?


Thanks for your input.


Vick :)

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The cables are attached to the gear selector with bolts, so you can slacken them and move the cables slightly.


It might also be that the clutch is not disengaging completely, it could be that the slave or master cylinders playing up or the release arm bending a bit.


All speculation really.

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The cables are attached to the gear selector with bolts, so you can slacken them and move the cables slightly.


It might also be that the clutch is not disengaging completely, it could be that the slave or master cylinders playing up or the release arm bending a bit.


All speculation really.


Thanks Toad, would it be worth bleeding them?

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Yeah, give it a whirl. You can normally see if the slave cylinder is starting to fail as there will be a little brake fluid dripping from the bellhousing under the car.

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Yeah, give it a whirl. You can normally see if the slave cylinder is starting to fail as there will be a little brake fluid dripping from the bellhousing under the car.


Hmm I noticed something but thought it might of been my crank seal leaking slightly. I'll have to look into that but I don't seem to be losing any break fluid :scratch:


Could replacing the g/box oil help?

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Would be worth while if it's not been done in a while. Redline MT90 is used by a lot of people on here. I've got some cheap semi synthetic in at the moment to flush any cack out of the box.

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Would be worth while if it's not been done in a while. Redline MT90 is used by a lot of people on here. I've got some cheap semi synthetic in at the moment to flush any cack out of the box.


It has been a few years, where could I get MT90 from?


Thanks dude :)

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might be needing a slight adjustment at of teh cables gearbox side. I've just spent about 2 hours sorting mine out - i didnt have reverse and first and second were terribly crunchy. Now OK, but its slow and time consuming and afaik there's no short cut to the adjustment. Oh, and you'll need a helper to change the gears while you make adjustments.


How do I make the adjustment dude?


Thanks for your input.


Vick :)







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might be needing a slight adjustment at of teh cables gearbox side. I've just spent about 2 hours sorting mine out - i didnt have reverse and first and second were terribly crunchy. Now OK, but its slow and time consuming and afaik there's no short cut to the adjustment. Oh, and you'll need a helper to change the gears while you make adjustments.


How do I make the adjustment dude?


Thanks for your input.


Vick :)








Thanks my good man :D


I made some adjustments and it's helped move the whole selecting area over t the right making reverse easier to get into! Still crunches slightly tho, less than before mind. I have got some MT90 from Oilman and wondered how much exactly goes in?


I drained the oil out and it put about 1 + 1/2 litres into the box, maybe a touch less until it starting dripping out. Would this be enough? I was under the impression it took 2 litres after searching or have i read it wrong?


Thanks again guys


Vick :D

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Anyone? going to Germany tomorrow, would like to make sure there is enough oil in there. :lol:





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It should be 2 quarts, which is just over 2 litres iirc. 2 bottles of MT90 is the exact right amount. Did you leave it to drain out for long enough? Even when it's down to a trickle, it can still keep going for ages.

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I think a half reasonable amount of oil sits in the the gearbox when you drain it, 1.5l to refil doesn't sound that far out, especially if the car was level and the oil was up to the level plug.

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Was gonna say - if you've brimmed it to level with the filling hole and you did it on level ground, there isn't any other way to get more oil in there! :)

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Anyone? going to Germany tomorrow, would like to make sure there is enough oil in there. :lol:






hey pal, the best way to make sure 100% that you have enough oil in the box is to make sure the car is totally level and that the engine/box are cold.

as long as this is the case, undo the filler bolt and slowly pour oil in until it starts to weep back out.


if you have done all of the above then yes, you have enough oil in the box :)



also as Tom said, your issue sounds more like the clutch not disengaging properly to me

the issues for this as mentioned above could be:

slave cylinder

clutch release fork

master cylinder

cluch flexi line

release bearing or clutch itself (though much less likely)


if it was me i would investigate the above possible issues in that order...



also are you having trouble getting all the gears at speed or is it just 1st/2nd/3rd...

if that's the case, then it's more likely to adjustment issues, but that didn't sound like that was the case from what you wrote...



please let us know how you get on pal :)

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Sorry for the late reply guys, got back from Germany at the start of the week and after 1300 miles I have been tired and busy at work so only just got a chance to come on here :)


The oil has made a huge improvement, still feels slightly notchy so this winter I am going to replace the cables with mk4 golf items, replace the master and slave cylinder, clutch, and release bearing and align it all up, hopefully that will make it perfect lol?


I have noticed another slight knocking problems on the last 60 mile drive back tho... :(


The car knocks now and again as if something is catching, but coasting its fine, only under part load its like its catching badly, but under full load its alot less.... I check the drive shaft and can see marks on the gearbox around the area where the inner CV joint (gearbox side obviously) is... as if it has been caching???? they were not there before so i suspect that, except around town, its alot less bar a little knock when I set off.


Really confused as I can;t see how the joint can move sidways if that makes sense, just thought it can move in a and out of broken etc?


Help :(





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Just took it out and sounds like CV joints! does a noise at low speed and a little clunk when i take off from lights.. Going to have a better look tomororow :)

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do a full lock-to-lock turn at low speed, that'll tellyou if te CVs are playing up, i certainly hope not :(

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do a full lock-to-lock turn at low speed, that'll tellyou if te CVs are playing up, i certainly hope not :(


I'm going outside now to investigate it further, is it that bad of the CV has gone? I thought it was a fairly simple task of simply replacing the joint? :confused4:

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its not too bad to replace, the problem is getting to everything lying on your back - unless you've got access to a pit or a lift? Ask Jay if he replaced the CVs and if so which ones - that will rule out either the inner or outer ones.

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its not too bad to replace, the problem is getting to everything lying on your back - unless you've got access to a pit or a lift? Ask Jay if he replaced the CVs and if so which ones - that will rule out either the inner or outer ones.


I'm sure he replaced all of them, inner and outers. Going to cal him in a bit and see if he can remember all those years ago lol


Thanks for your help Fla :)



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